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Runtime Break start
4h 33m 1h 51m

Episode 104: The Cradle’s Convocation

Bell’s Hells, after trekking to the ruins of Aeor, had an encounter with Ludinus Da’leth himself (during which he showed visions of the fall of Aeor in hopes of expressing the dubiousness of the great deities that are considered the prime beings of law and morality in this world).
After trying to convince you to join him and the Vanguard in their interests, you combated his outlook and also each others’ (with some internal strife in communication), after which Laudna’s own dark passenger was triggered. Thus battle ensued with a Delilah-possessed Laudna. You defeated her and (while she was reduced within) used the soul anchor (that you had taken from the ruins) and successfully completed a ritual with Essek’s help that bound Delilah into the stone which was then bound within you (Laudna), reversing the power dynamic between you and Delilah.
After you went to go meet up with the Voice of the Tempest and the rest of the troop that was waiting on the western encampment within the Hellcatch Valley. You arrived to find it in ruin, still smoldering. The fallen stone being picked through by Reilorans and Vanguard soldiers alike. With rapid reaction, teleporting to Vasselheim. There you were able to maneuver through the city, climb the stairs that lead to the Platinum Sanctuary (where it seems a lot of dignitaries from around Exandria are gathering, along with their compatriot armies and protectors).
Upon arrival, Essek had to say his goodbyes, for there was tenuous relations with some other figures that were present. Upon arriving here on the outskirts of this crowd that had gathered in the central forum of the Platinum Sanctuary, you were trying to push through to get a good view.
You saw people from all over Exandria here. You saw within Vasselheim itself:

  • The Highbearer Vord
  • The Earthbreaker Groon
  • The Holy Curator
  • The High Hierophant
  • The Coven of the Veil of the Matron of Ravens
  • J’mon Sa Ord, the leader of Ank’Harel
  • Keyleth, Voice of the Tempest
  • Empress Leylas Kryn of the Kryn Dynasty of Xhorhas; The Bright Queen
  • Gavis Aranda from the Chandei Quorum of Jrusar
  • Guardian Tofor Brotoras from the Council of Taldorei
  • Mythmaker Qi Mendozi
  • Allura Vysoren and Lady Kima of Vord and a number of others

As you tried to push your way through, a massive goliath figure (with over-sized stone gauntlets, a bit of a paunch, and a black fuzzy beard with streaks of gray) made your announcement loudly, causing the group in front of you to divide slightly, and the entire chamber to shift its attention back to you in one moment. Here in that tense, awkward silence, all eyes are on you.

Previous Episode: “Cages”

  • UltragrampsOPM
    7 months ago

    Updated List of Elaborate Titles and Major Names in the Platinum Sanctuary

    • Leylas Kryn, Empress of the Kryn Dynasty, called The Bright Queen (Essek was known as her Shadowhand)
    • Lord Zeddan Graf, Emissary of the Dwendalian Empire (fierce rival of the Cerberus Assembly and it’s Archmage of Diplomatic Union, Athesias Uludan)
    • Zhafe Uludan, Marquis of The Clovis Concord (also Ambassador for the Cerberus Assembly)
    • Gavis Aranda, the lone member of the Chandei Quorum permitted to be a representative in public, we also know Orlana Seshadri is a member.
    • Galtheid (Vincent-Price-lookin-mufugga) of the Ember Vigil, Archmage of Sruwargas(capital city of Taloned Highlands)
    • Yudala Fon, High Curator of the Cobalt Soul (main rivalry with a corrupt member of the Dwendalian court, Kon Bruda, helped expose Trent Ikithon, and has a secret unnamed spy retinue for the Cobalt Soul)
    • The Holy Curator, High Priest of The Crown of Erathis (Temple of Erathis in The Quadroads (the central district of Vasselheim)), leader of The Holy Paramours
    • Mythtaker Qi Mendozi
    • Arcanist Allura Vysoren of the Tal’Dorei Council and Arcana Pansophical
    • Lady Kima, Paladin of Bahamut, and Disciple to Highbearer Vord (hence why she’s known as Kima of Vord)
    • Guardian Tofor Brotoras of the Tal’Dorei Council, General of the forces of Vasselheim
    • Keyleth of the Air Ashari, member of the Tal’Dorei Council, Voice of the Tempest
    • Lady Vex’ahlia de Rolo, member of the Tal’Dorei Council, Grand Purveyor of the Grey Hunt
    • Grogory “Grog” Strongjaw, Grand Poobah De-Doink of all This and That, One of the Masters of Whitestone
    • UltragrampsOPM
      6 months ago

      Team Name Ideas for the Cobalt Reserve’s fancy secret spy group

      (That Beau and Caleb are totally in) ᕕ( ᐛ)ᕗ

      wiki entry

      Beau was sent into the world as an Expositor of the Cobalt Soul with the general directive “to root out truth and expose corruption.” She has embraced this calling to the point where she has made it a personal matter in regards to the Somnovem, citing it as a corruption of the most obscene nature.[109] She would later devote herself to the Soul full-time as part of a task force dedicated to undermining and dismantling the Cerberus Assembly, a “lifelong pursuit” she embarks on with Caleb.

      • Indigos
      • Dark Blue
      • Demure Azure
      • The Cerulean Crew
      • The Blaupunks (Blau being the German/Zemnian for ‘blue’ & also ‘Blaupunkt’ being a car audio brand)
      • Covalt (Covert and Cobalt mushed)
      • Gunmetal (More Percy’s style, but hey)
      • Rotguss (German/Zemnian for “gunmetal”)
      • Das Nebelblau (“The Blue of the Mist”)
      • The Ultramarines
      • The Azure Razors (PITA to say, I know; part of the charm)
      • Gemstones: The Aquamarines, The Hawk’s Eyes, Sapphires, Tanzanite (Tanza-knights?) The Lazurites (also sounds like ‘last rites’ a bit), The Indicolites (which Jester turned into “The Dicks”)
      • The Cornflowers 😆