Hi all,

I just changed to SPD pedals (the mountain bike ones) from flat pedals. Fell about 6 times trying to learn how to use it. Any suggestions on how to get better at clipping in and out?

  • ClockworkOtter@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    Just want to check that you know you just need to twist your heel out?

    Make sure they’re aligned correctly so you don’t have the exit point too far out from the frame.

    I usually keep the tension fairly loose because I’m cycling in a city and need to clip/unclip frequently. If the tension is too high then it’s harder to unclip reliably.

    Other than that, just practice! Not unreasonable to practice while on your bike and holding on to a fence or something so you can figure out what method works best for you.

  • Thecornershop@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    You can make it a bit easier by winding the spring on the pedals right out so that clipping out is really easy. Then when you build a bit of confidence you can progressively tighten the spring to the point you are comfortable.

    Other than that it is just practice and using some forethought by unclipping before you need to and maintaining awareness that you are clipped in.

    It seems hard now, but in no time it will be totally automatic and natural, hang in there!

  • jimi_henrik@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    You can also practice these whilst being stationary. Get on your bike and lean against a wall (your shoulder touching the wall giving you support and preventing you falling over). Don’t clip the foot on the other side, just in case you lose balance.

    This way you only need to focus on clipping in/out without having to worry about falling over. This will hopefully give you a bit of confidence before going out on the roads again. :)