Labour Minister Randy Boissonnault is considering “a refusal to process in the low wage stream if the abuse and misuse does not improve,” said labour ministry spokesperson Mathis Denis.
Considering eh?
“If the abuse and misuse does not improve”
What if we just actually regulated it? Instead of just praying corporations won’t be shitty. But this is Canada so I guess the best we can do is politely ask them not to exploit people.
Now he says this? NOW?
Money has already been made, so…
Expect a sternly worded note, maybe a press conference. If it gets really bad, they’ll pull a media-trained CEO in front of a few incompetent parliamentarians for an impotent finger-wagging session.
It’s kind of depressing how much I think you’re right.
BuT NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK AnYmOrE!