Same but that’s pretty much the definition of depression.
If you’re doing things to pass the time though, I’d recommend physical activities. Cleaning, walking, gardening, whatever gets your body moving.
Tried aggressively cleaning, lasted around a week
I go for walks multiple times a day around my suburb
Go running sometimes too
Haven’t picked up my bike in a while
I detest gardeningIt’s all pointless
All you gotta do is keep doing the next right thing. Maybe look into upping your meds? I know it’s hard. I suffer from bouts of depression that feel the same way. I refuse to give up because I know there are so many people who love me including myself (took ages to figure that one out). There are folks who love you and want you to succeed. Start doing some work towards making yourself one of those people as well.
Quick question. Do you drink much water?
You could try pickleball with a friend!
Sounds like you need medication and therapy. Depression is like an infection. It doesn’t get better on its own you gotta get treatment. I can’t stress enough that therapy and medication are required to treat depression. Depression fucks with your perception and distorts everything.
It’s a pita to find a therapist and psych but ask for help from a friend or family member. That way they can do the heavy lifting while you begin recovery. You wouldn’t expect someone in bed with the flu and 102 fever to help themselves. Someone needs to help you help yourself.
Pm me if you want more info