A mother of two has been left paraplegic after being shot by Iranian police over an alleged violation of the country’s strict hijab rules, a source with knowledge of the case has told the BBC.

“She is paralysed from the waist down, and doctors have said it will take months to determine whether she will be permanently paraplegic or not.”

Arezoo Badri, 31, was driving home with her sister in the northern city of Noor on 22 July when police attempted to pull her over to confiscate her car.

The driver did not comply with the order to stop, prompting the officers to shoot, the police commander in Noor told Iran’s state-run news agency, without naming Ms Badri.

The incident comes after Iranian police announced a clampdown on women defying the nation’s compulsory dress code.

  • NeuronautML@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Just to remind ourselves that this woman is paraplegic because the US had to send in the CIA to orchestrate a coup in order to remove its democratically elected president and put a fundamentalist religious nutcase Shah in power that was more friendly to the US, which like all CIA ventures, failed miserably and he ended up being overthrown by worse religious nutcases shortly after, which is regarded as a direct consequence of US involvement.

    Thank you US, for our daily misery all across the world, but especially for turning the middle east into the misery it is today. We will remember it all throughout the likely war between Iran and Israel that the democratically elected governments of the US purposefully worked towards for the last 50 years, by both directly destabilizing Iran and by arming and funding Israel and the Palestinian apartheid and genocide.

    I just wonder how much worse the world has to become until the US just stops “helping”.

      • SSJMarx@lemm.ee
        2 months ago

        The argument is that if Iran had been allowed to keep its original government and not had one imposed upon it, the conditions that resulted in the Islamic Revolution would not have been created and the fundies never would have taken power.

      • primrosepathspeedrun@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        yeah the person you’re replying to is sorta wrong, but also not

        see, the CIA helped him hunt down and murder all the left opposition, both genuinely good and well intentioned puppets of moscow, so when his horrible shit finally pushed the people past their breaking point, the only people with any level of organization to create a new regime were THESE FUCKS. the CIA knew this was a risk, and SHOULD have known this was inevitable, after the shit they pulled.

        and the shah was their puppet, put in after they took out the previously extant democracy. so saying the cia didn’t do this is like saying I didn’t break the delicate glass flower I threw at a wall.

    • IceHouse@lemmy.zip
      2 months ago

      US police have gunned down 48 women last year and 37 so far this year so they’re just sharing their love of murdering people with police around the world

    • shadowspirit@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      The tried and true bot everything bad because USA … do you argue that things would be fundamentally better or worse today if the USA had never been involved? Half these commie ML troll bots on the internet keep spitting out the same old crap. Profit bad. Bad. Bad. They ignore the fact that a woman got shot for wearing a head scarf. You going to blame that on the USA? Get out of here with that crap.

      • NeuronautML@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        I’m not a communist. I don’t agree with communism. I’m European. We hate communism. I joined ML because people said it doesn’t matter what instance you join in the tutorials but mentioned one should avoid lemmy.world because it was oversaturated with reddit refugees and lemmy.ml was at the top. I never knew there was this much instance bigotry and tribalism on lemmy, but i am honestly apalled by this culture. That’s the only reason. My post history is public, go read if you see anything about communism, bot propaganda activity or whatever strawmen you’re building there because your arguments are insufficient.

        And yes, things in the middle east would have been considerably better without CIA interventions. Americans want to wash their hands off it because what, it happened 50 years ago, when it was proven in 2020 by dna of a US green beret the US had special forces try the same in Venezuela ?

        Look at Afghanistan right now, it would have been leagues better if the US hadn’t been there for 20 years. Now it’s under the US (previously, when known as Mujahideen) funded taliban. If you know your history, none of this should come as a surprise. But yeah, it was the headscarf and profit and America bad for sure. Everything but taking responsibility for what the US is still doing right now. I’m not anti American culture and people or even economic doctrine, I’m anti policy. Creating an implication between capitalism and instigating officially unsanctioned political destabilization of foreign governments is an intellectually lazy and dishonest argument.

        What the CIA has done and is doing is wrong and brought us here, and it’s acting vastly with impunity and being excused by people like you. I’m not against you. I’m against people giving the place you live in a bad name with your taxes. Acting all defensive and petulant like I’m attacking your culture personally is just silly, when you know many patriotic Americans would agree with my criticism of the actions of the CIA and military interventions overseas.

        • shadowspirit@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          My tone was a bit over the top and I generalized regarding instances. For that I will apologize.

          The USA is an “easy target” because it’s incredibly active in the world stage. Very few nations have the resources available to it to do what the USA is capable of doing. With that said this is the classic man in the arena argument – the USA is most certainly in the arena and there are good and bad things that come with it. I believe your argument to be reductionist at best – USA bad because XYZ. There’s a whole hell of a lot more to it than that. So you’ve mentioned Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan. What about long, successful alliances between USA with Jordan, Egypt, Israel (hot button I know), and Saudi Arabia.

          The struggle in the region today is very much Iran and Saudi Arabia throwing their weight around and many groups of people are caught in the middle. USA included. Israel was on a path to discuss normalization of relations with Saudi Arabia and suddenly that is not a thing anymore. Hrm. Convenient. Wonder why?

          Things are not as simple as you make it out to be. It takes two to tango.

          • NeuronautML@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            Alright, thank you for explaining your opinion to me. You’re right, while i still maintain my position that i disagree with US policy in this regard, i do recognize that a lot of those countries’ actions also contributed to the current situation.

            And i also recognize that when criticism arises in Lemmy, in particular from certain Lemmy instances, there is a lot of propaganda and anti American sentiment, which i also find grating. Nevertheless I’d like to clarify that I’m not anti American and i do not think America is bad. I consider this statement reductionist of the entire combined work of 330 million people, as you said, and i would like to clarify that i meant that this specific course of action in this circumstance is bad, not the country, nor the people of the US.

            This criticism does not mean to disqualify the US of praise where praise is otherwise due, of course, although i would not agree that the outcomes of Israel relations were positive, but that is another matter altogether that i think would escape the purview of the criticism of CIA actions.

            I apologize for expressing myself in such a black and white way and I’ll try to be more mindful of reminding myself of expressing more nuance in future comments and be clearer of who and what specifically i am criticizing.

            • shadowspirit@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              You were the polite one and I was the rude one. No need for you to apologize.

              Appreciate the discussion. Hopefully the world we leave is a better place than when we were born into it.

    • primrosepathspeedrun@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      also, they helped him torture and kill and dismantle all the left opposition, all the organized good guys or well intentioned assholes who wanted him out, so it was only THESE FUCKS left when the people finally broke.

      the fucking source of all fascism is the american empire.