When you allow far right attitudes to grow … they are like weeds that start appearing everywhere.

My general rule of thumb is … if one’s ideals and beliefs start affecting the lives of others … then their beliefs are not about them, they believe in wanting to control the lives of others.

  • Mongostein@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Yeah, I’m trying to teach my brother that this isn’t true. He was bitching about the Elks name change again today and it’s fucking incredible how much energy he puts in to being pissed off about something that has literally zero tangible effect on his life.

    Like seriously. You don’t have to like it, but it in the end it doesn’t fucking matter.

    Same goes for rainbow crosswalks.

    Editing this to add: it’s like those beeping crosswalks. No one really likes them, but it’s not a big deal because we know they help people with diminished or no vision.

    I’m pretty indifferent towards rainbow crosswalks myself. They’re kind of nice when they’re fresh, but they keep getting driven over and become ugly. The coloured paint just doesn’t hold up as well. However, I know that it represents a supportive community and I like that.

    • PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca
      1 year ago

      Ya this is the goal. People only remember snippets of headlines so if you can pump out a lot of them with your agenda, that’s all anyone will believe regardless of it’s truth. I’m sorry you had to deal with someone who found a headline they really liked and tethered themselves to it.

      I’ve had this issue with my whole immediate family with the exception of my grandmother. They genuinely live in a completely separate world where left wingers are predatory and steal kids and force them to get transition surgery (?!?!?!). Some peoples lives depend on holding up this illusion.