Large swings of the nerf bat will always be met with equivalent backlash and negative feedback tends to overshadow the positive.
They acknowledged that they should not nerf the fun stuff and proceed carefully with balance going forward, and then deliver this update. On the one hand the nerf to the incendiary breaker is small enough and feels fair, on the other the complete neutering of the flamethrower feels like taking away our toy entirely.
I’ve been happy with the update, but I also rarely use the flamethrower or incendiary breaker. I normally play on 7s and my friends that use the incendiary said they are mostly fine in groups, but soloing objectives is harder.
The flamethrower change made chargers harder… But I prefer rocket pods for them anyway.
Large swings of the nerf bat will always be met with equivalent backlash and negative feedback tends to overshadow the positive.
They acknowledged that they should not nerf the fun stuff and proceed carefully with balance going forward, and then deliver this update. On the one hand the nerf to the incendiary breaker is small enough and feels fair, on the other the complete neutering of the flamethrower feels like taking away our toy entirely.
I’ve been happy with the update, but I also rarely use the flamethrower or incendiary breaker. I normally play on 7s and my friends that use the incendiary said they are mostly fine in groups, but soloing objectives is harder.
The flamethrower change made chargers harder… But I prefer rocket pods for them anyway.