Maybe even enough to win :D

  • tacticalsugar
    3 months ago


    Leftists are trying to push her left because they want a more progressive president. It’s a perfectly “valid” political position to think she’s perfect as is and want leftists to stop trying to get her to be more progressive, just own it. You’re pushing back against leftists and then pretending you aren’t, and that’s where you lose any good will or assumptions of good faith. By all means disagree with lefties, just own it.

    My problem specifically is that this kind of thing happens any time lefties push for Democrats to be progressive. Exactly 4 years ago I saw leftists being chastised for trying to push Biden left because “he has to win first”, then it was “he just won you have to give him time”, then it was “we can’t worry about distractions like trans rights or antiracism, we need to worry about midterms”, then it was “midterms just ended, we need to give them time to get organized”, then it was “we can’t worry about distractions like trans rights or antiracism or genocide, we need to worry about Trump”, and now it’s looped back to “she has to win first”. In 6 months it’ll be “she just won you have to give her time”, and a year from now we’ll be too busy worrying about midterms.

    Do you see the pattern here? There’s never an acceptable time for liberals to care about marginalized people. We’re not even saying Harris is evil or should lose, we’re literally just asking for her to do better. I genuinely hope she wins, nationalizes all the things, fixes racism and transphobia, and we all live happily ever after. I just don’t think we’ll ever get there without pushing our leaders to do better. You know how the right loves to say “love America or get out”? Leftists are taking the third option of “make it better” and you’re pushing back against them for it. You aren’t saying it out loud, but you’re embodying the “love it or leave it” mentality of the right.

    We just want her to be better.

      3 months ago

      Okay, she did prosecutorial things as a prosecutor. If you want to talk about prosecutorial misconduct - which you’re not arguing because it isn’t- there are a lot of bad prosecutors out there; knowingly making illegal and gray-area decisions all the time. She’s not been accused of that. She made decisions in a system which is mostly all about bad decisions.

      Your first link said she prosecuted families as directed under the legislature, which passed a law that kids couldn’t miss more than 10% of the school year without a valid excuse. Your argument is with that idiot law. The Prosecutor doesn’t make the law or make the arrests or do the investigation. So let’s be clear that while she sent a mom to prison, that was literally her job to do. Because everything else was so fucked up to cause it. The parents failing their kids because they’re strung out also get prosecuted and it’s not much better but you can see (1) how the law came to be and (2) that no one’s using that one as an example. And, it has nothing to do with trans people specifically.

      Your second link said she was hardest on black and poor families. Yeah. The System itself is. She defended her cases from retrial, and she didn’t reprimand her attorneys for using a jailhouse snitch.

      As attorney general, she weaponized technicalities to keep wrongfully convicted people behind bars rather than allow them new trials…

      Well, yeah. It sucks. It’s wrong. And it’s what every single prosecutor is told to do and is expected to do. She should have done better, but what she was wasn’t unusual - or illegal, or even “wrong” for a strict reading of what an AG does. The system sucks, yeah. That also has nothing to do with trans people specifically.

      Your third link does have to do with trans people specifically. Namely:

      In the case of Norsworthy v. Beard, Michelle Norsworthy, a trans woman incarcerated in California state prison, sued the state for denying her medically necessary surgical treatment for her diagnosed gender dysphoria. As attorney general, Harris defended California’s denial of treatment.

      So. The plaintiff sued the state to give her gender reassignment surgery while she was incarcerated for murder. As the state’s AG, she fought that suit. - She didn’t run in from some other entirely different department and demand to deny this woman surgery. That’s literally her job to defend the state in court against the suit. That’s not an option, that’s not a part of the AG position to “decide to not do that”.

      So, really, the one link you provided which does in fact address the transgender community is - nothing.

      Your final link says

      Harris mocks those on the left who say things like “build schools, not jails” and “put more money into education, not prisons”, suggesting they are naive sloganeers who do not understand crime prevention.

      Well, I’m all for schools not jails as both a slogan and an approach. But the thing about slogans is, they don’t actually do the work of apportioning the budget and making things work. If she thought - in this “newly-unearthed clip” from 2019 (which says pretty straightforwardly ‘this is out-of-context’) - if she thought money was going to dance classes instead of job retraining, she might think it was missing the point. I don’t know, and neither do you, without further clarification. And, for the final link: also not to do with transgender issues.

      So - she was a prosecutor and the justice system, so-called, is a travesty of nightmarish proportions. Agreed. We agree on that. And she should be better, as we all should, we agree on that.

      It’s a perfectly “valid” political position to think she’s perfect as is and want leftists to stop trying to get her to be more progressive, just own it. You’re pushing back against leftists and then pretending you aren’t

      Well, NO it’s not a “perfectly valid position to think she’s perfect” and no one has ever said or even implied that. I AM pushing back against unreasonable claims that she’s bad for reasons that Do. Not. Hold. Up. Is that what leftists do? If so, then yeah, I’m pushing back against leftists for not making good arguments. Okay? Make better arguments! These suck! If you’re going to be all “She’s so bad to transgender people” and the one example you have is she did her job as AG against a lawsuit - that’s not a good argument.

      And by the way where was all the “pushing for Biden to be more progressive” in 2021, 2022, 2023? What did that look like? Was it comments on the interwebs? It was, wasn’t it. Yeah. That’s not - it doesn’t work like that and the 80 days prior to the election is a little too late, while also ironically being too early.

      Political change is ridiculously slow, for the most part, because it requires people to do un-fun, boring, and tedious things. Destroying things is pretty quick though, so that’s why right-wingers and a number of leftists like that idea. But it won’t build anything new - or better.

      • tacticalsugar
        3 months ago

        So yeah, this is the part where you get mad at leftists for asking for any sort of change. It’s also pretty transphobic and you spent a lot of time trying to defend some pretty awful shit. This is exactly what I was talking about. You don’t want to hear what lefties have to say, but you won’t own up to that.

          3 months ago

          Answer this: What Change?

          A law for gender reassignment surgery to be paid for by the state when people are incarcerated for murder? Well then say that.

          And how in the name of all that is crispy and delicious is a recap of your accusations about what a prosecutor does transphobic? It’s an awful job! Usually handled by awful people! Transphobic ffs.

          • tacticalsugar
            3 months ago

            A law for gender reassignment surgery to be paid for by the state when people are incarcerated for murder? Well then say that.

            That’s a horrible misrepresentation of what happened. The issue isn’t that there’s no “law for gender reassignment surgery to be paid for by the state when people are incarcerated for murder”, the issue is that trans prisoners have a law excluding them from receiving healthcare. The state has to pay for the medical care of prisoners. For “some reason” (transphobia) trans people’s healthcare is not included in that. Kamala Harris upheld an unjust and transphobic law. “She was just following orders doing her job” isn’t the defense you think it is.

            Your misrepresentation of the problem is another great example of transphobia. Trans people are asking not to have their medical care excluded. You just think trans medical care isn’t necessary but you don’t want to say it, so you have to twist the actual problem to make it seem like the trannies are being ridiculous again.

            And this is another great example. You don’t care about what trans people have to say, you don’t want Harris to be better. You want the crazy trannies and commie pinkos to stop whining and vote. You don’t want change, you want things to go “back to normal” so you don’t have to think about people suffering for the neoliberal regime. Just own it.