By dropping out of the race, Biden may have just saved democracy in America.
because unlike the guy on the other side, it is not all about himself
Yeah, but it seemed like a near thing.
4d chess vertical castling
boss move
you scallywag, how did i miss that?
nice one.
80 year old Dotard Don
Dotar Don de Senile
I almost spit out my drink. Well done good sir, well done.
Your… dink?
I said drink, clearly. My good man, you must be confused. I certainly wouldn’t have fixed it as soon as you said.
No, no, no, leave it, it was perfect 😉
as… soo?
I simply do not know what you are talking about sir. Such nonsense certainly never comes out of my mouth. Good day to you I say, GOOD DAY!
Lol someone finally did it. Thanks!
“iTs NoT FaaAAAaair” Says the trust fund billionaire that’s never had to work a day in his life.