Liberty Coalition Canada claims to have helped 110 Christian candidates in municipal and school board elections last year in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia.
“Over the next few years, I want to systematically manufacture 10,000 new Christian political candidates across Canada,” says the document, which was written by Michael Clark, director of advocacy for the Liberty Coalition.
Clark also writes that he wants to align Canada’s laws with “biblical principles.”
The document was available to the roughly 500 participants of a religious conference at Harvest Bible Church in Windsor, Ont., last December.
A couple if those candidates have been noticed in school board elections locally in Manitoba. Most of them lost by a signifigant margin after people realized what they were trying.
One that did win got suspended almost immediately after being a complete shit disturber
Gotta keep vigilant during the local municipal and school board elections. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen guys from this crop in during our last school board election cycle.
This guy is essentially asking for Quebec’s independence