Billionaire condemned for ‘extraordinarily irresponsible’ post amid disorder on Britain’s streets

    8 months ago

    Website says:

    Close to Zero New Cases


    • 1,601 days since Elon Musk predicted that Coronoavirus would vanish soon in the US to justify keeping Tesla’s factories open. (3/19/2020)

    “Based on current trends, probably close to zero new cases in US too by end of April”

    Elon Musk in a Tweet

    Children Immune


    • 1,601 days since Elon Musk assured parents that children were basically immune to coronavirus. (3/19/2020)

    “Kids are essentially immune, but elderly with existing conditions are vulnerable.”

    Elon Musk in a Tweet

    Just the Flu


    • 1,649 days since Elon Musk said Coronavirus would be similar to the flu. (1/31/2020)

    “There is considerable conflation of diagnosis & contraction of “corona”. Actual virality is much lower than it would seem. I think this will turn out to be comparable to other forms of influenza.”

    Elon Musk in a Tweet