Anyone else do this? You grab a ball or two of yarn, cast on some random number of stitches, and start knitting? I love doing this, not knowing the outcome. Sometimes it turns into a scarf, or a hat, or a cowl, or a mess that i unravel and wind back on the nøstepinne.

    411 months ago

    I try not to, as it turns into a mess every single time lol. I’m still starting to “doodle” when I have nothing else to do tough. That’s why I try to have at least one project on the needles all the time.

    311 months ago

    Yes, I do that. It has Helped me to figure out how patterns look like, how much yarn it takes, in which needle size the pattern looks better. I’ve learned a lot by experimenting.

    110 months ago

    These are projects I’ll start and never finish… every single time 😅

    I’m a planner and buy (well, dye yarn) when I need it or have a project planned (also known as:‘I’ve found this awesome pattern on ravelry… let’s cast on!’ and ‘forgetting’ about the other ten WIP’s in my knitting basket…