After nearly a decade of being forced to take Trump seriously, Democrats increasingly call BS on the whole charade

Sure, Donald Trump is a threat to democracy — a would-be dictator on day one who has called for terminating the U.S. Constitution so he can hold onto power even after losing a free and fair election. But while draped in the rhetoric of populism, Trump and his MAGA movement are not actually popular; the man himself has never won more votes than the person he ran against, a majority of Americans twice rejecting him and his off-putting cult of personality. That he was ever president is more or less because a few thousand swing voters in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania thought it would be fun.

President Joe Biden won in 2020 largely by promising to a return to normalcy and baseline competency. In 2024, Democrats are making a similar argument but more forcibly: They’re pointing, laughing and dismissing Trump and his circus as a total freak show to which we can’t return.

  • A Phlaming
    7 months ago

    Yeah, that’s why “no you” doesn’t work here. I know I’m a weirdo. I like being a weirdo and hanging out with other weirdos. You call me a weirdo and I’m like, “Yeah, cool.”

    But group identity is everything to a conservative. Conservatism, as it has been said, depends on an in-group and an out-group. “Weird” could only ever be a pejorative to the conservative who really needs to conform and not be weird. A person who accepts the diversity of humanity doesn’t need everyone to be the same, so weirdness isn’t really all that weird. When the in-group is weird, it’s not an insult.