Dumb Trump supporters raise mortgage rates, reduce money for Social Security and Medicare, and Make America A Laughing Stock.

        • FrankFrankson@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Yupp me and the other Americans were like “Lets push SCOTUS to rule on Citizens United in a way that allows unchecked amounts of money in politics and also lets create a system that lets a candidate that loses the popular vote become president anyway!” we all worked really hard at it… or we watched and let it happen without protesting or trying to change it at all…

          …or that is completely wrong and you could go read both those articles I linked and realize that “the majority of us” literally did not vote for this shit and or voted against it.

            • FrankFrankson@lemmy.world
              1 year ago

              Ok genius since you are so well versed on the topic… tell me the solution? You know the solution to the problem you didn’t even know about because you started off saying the MAJORITY of us voted for this shit? I mean it will come to a head if the system breaks down but what exactly should we do now?

              You keep moving the bar and now you are claiming that I am saying Americans are not responsible at all for the system we have. I am saying the majority of us didn’t vote for it, the majority of us are trapped in it and the majority of us have no simple solution to fixing it but you must have a stellar solution in your keen political mind so lets have it! What should us Americans do to fix the problems (which you are completely ignorant of) within our government?

        • new_acct_who_dis@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Why is everyone downvoting this guy? He’s right.

          Who tf else is going to fix us? There are a ton reasons why it’s extra challenging to effectively come together like the French do against their government, but it’s still up to us to change shit.