These fascist weebs deserve an all-expenses-paid trip to the barbara pit
I love the cuck pit
Nazi man was here…
How do you know?
K-ON pfp…
It’s like when Croats or Serbs or Bosniaks here in Yugoslavia praise the Nazis and how they would be nazis and better of if Germany had won. They forget that they were up the list on the genocide chopping block right after the Jews and Romani. Slavs were never intended to survive the “arianisation” of Europe.
Vatican and Japan flag in profile name
Rising Sun
No book read ever detected. No grass touched.
Racist weebs are particuarly weird because they’re inherently pro-racemixing just as long as it’s a cute Japanese lady.
Personally I think on some level they consider Japan to be ‘white’ and Western, so its just inherently okay.
I believe the term is “honorary Aryan”
If this person is from the Philippines. I do not, in any way, shape, or form, associate with that “putang inang gago na iniidolo para sa pasistang basurahan na tinatawagan nila’y Imperial Japan”
Well we have hitlerite Poles and Russians and Ukrainians, so i’m not really surprised there would be Filipinos idolizing Imperial Japan. Just disappointed.
The Philippines was a full on US colony before WW2 so outside of the Hukbalahap, it often became a choice between collaborating with the Japanese or collaborating with the Americans.
Honestly I respect Artemio Ricarte more than I do Emilio Aguinaldo, or Manuel Quezon.
“putang inang gago na iniidolo para sa pasistang basurahan na tinatawagan nila’y Imperial Japan”
Is that Fillipino?
Yes and it translates to: stupid motherfucker who idolizes for that fascist trashheap they call Imperial Japan.
Okay, what is with all the weeb stuff in this community lately