• Urist@lemmy.ml
    7 months ago

    American left-wing values

    Hold up, what? The Overton window of US politics is so skewed to the right that what is usually considered left-wing there is right-wing elsewhere. US left-wing (read right-wing for much of the rest of the world) values are definitely common globally due to American cultural export (read military hegemony and neocolonialism).

      • Urist@lemmy.ml
        7 months ago

        woke ideology

        Like basic respect for others?

        not allowed to say anything

        Yeah, this is just not true. Unlike those who are actually marginalized, these people say nasty shit and claim that being called a dickhead for it is a violation of their freedom of speech. The reality is that they actually want some sort of immunity to backlash for their own words and actions, effectively limiting other people’s freedom of expression.

          • Urist@lemmy.ml
            7 months ago

            You misunderstand what I am saying: They are mostly (save where hate speech laws apply) allowed to say nasty stuff. They just do not enjoy the privilege of everyone else shutting up about it. I.e., other people react to it and say unkind, possibly nasty stuff back, which the original people in question get butt hurt by and subsequently whine about “the woke mob cancelling them”.

              • Urist@lemmy.ml
                7 months ago

                The woke mob wants me to affirm that a transsexual woman is, in fact, a real woman. I will not say that. I would be a lying. I tend to pursue truth. Truth does not care about people’s feelings.

                Ok. Seems to me that you just want a free pass at being an ass.

                She is a real woman even though she does not conform to your expectations of what gender is. Here is the thing though: She does not need your affirmation to

                1. be real
                2. look like a woman
                3. live like a woman
                4. feel like a woman.

                What reason do you have to claim that she is not a “real woman” (whatever that means, I can guarantee that it is not well defined)? Most importantly, if she feels like a woman, even if you disagree on some metaphysical level of nonsense of what is a woman, why would you have the need to tell her what you think? Lastly, why do you think your opinion about her body is important?

                  • Mia
                    7 months ago

                    Look up intersex people and marvel at how loose the definition of being female is. People are born without a womb, mixed genitalia, any combination you can imagine. They’re still considered women. If one can get to such a state, or further, they should too.

                    Look up the various studies performed on transgender patients showing how their brain is more aligned to that of females (or males, whichever way they swing), at a biological level.

                    Look up how hormonal imbalances during pregnancy can cause such discrepancies. It’s not just a psychological thing, it’s a biological phenomenon that does appear in nature.

                    Or don’t. You’re free to remain ignorant, just like you’re free to say whatever you like, but don’t act like the victim when you knowingly say something that’s considered out of line and face consequences.

                    Facing consequences for your actions is nothing new, don’t act like it is. Work places and public spaces have had rules of conduct since the dawn of time; what is considered acceptable has shifted as society evolved. You may not like it, but that’s not going to change just because calling someone by their chosen name makes you uncomfortable. Would you consider being disallowed to call black people slurs totalitarianism?

                    You are free to say whatever you want, just like people and employers are free to not want to associate with you for the things you say.

                  • Urist@lemmy.ml
                    7 months ago

                    Transsexual “women” fail to meet one basic requirement to be considered women: they are not female.


                    When the left stretches things up to the point you can face legal consequences for truthful speech, we digress into totalitarianism.

                    This is not at all what totalitarianism means, look it up in a dictionary or something.