• dinckel@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    We don’t need research to prove this, we need to open our damn eyes, and stop treating this issue as if it’s impossible to solve

    • Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Eh, not impossible but not easy. It’s not just “go outside” or “social media is the problem”.

      In reality, capitalism needs to be reigned in and we need a societal shift and restructuring of how we do things. A removal of the profit motive from many many aspects of society.

      Public and higher education needs to be redesigned from the ground up:

      • Remove the profit motive completely. Free for all, all the way to the top.
      • Emphasize critical thinking.
      • Emphasize finding people’s strengths and what they’re naturally good at, as well as what they enjoy and are passionate about and what society needs as a whole, as opposed to just how to “get that money”.

      Health care needs to be socialized and completely removed from the profit motive, obviously. Free for all.

      All necessities need to be socialized and removed from the profit motive:

      • The entire energy sector, oil, gas, electric, whatever. No more millionaires, no more shareholders getting free money.
      • The entire information network. Phone, internet is a necessity now. Try getting a job without, or even functioning. Free or cheap and regulated for the benefit of all, no millionaires.
      • A vehicle (crazy!?). Unless you’re in NYC it’s impossible to live without a ride.
      • Housing, food.

      Workweek needs to be dropped to 32hr as a transition down to 24 or even less. For everyone. No more dumb jobs. You don’t get to be a millionaire just by making YouTube videos stuffing your face full of fast food, or being a landlord, etc.

      So much more. This is pretty damn commie isn’t it? Am I a commie!? Oh well it’s never gonna happen we can all work overtime in pointless jobs making other people rich until it’s time to die, and we can be depressed while we do it.

      • dinckel@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I’m okay with working 40 hours. I just don’t want to spend 20 hours on top of that in commute, going to a job that will treat me like a slave. Not to mention that all the business morons fired proper HR to replace it with AI parsers, making it unable to find a job to begin with, unless you’re senior-level in skill, but willing to accept junior pay, after relocation to Bumfuck, MN