To win back support, the Democratic candidate must offer a positive and coherent vision centered on care and progressive policies, rather than relying solely on anti-Trump rhetoric.

    3 months ago

    I would have just put the math in my original comment. Here’s my saved math’

    Ok I’ve had this conversation and realized that people can’t do the math. So lets do it:

    Let’s evaluate the last say 24 years and when the Dems had all 3 of the House of Representatives, Senate, and Presidency. Note they need all 3 to pass pretty much anything.

    Obama had it for 2 out of 8 years. Biden had it for 2 out of 4 years. Let’s add it: That means Dems had control for 4 out of 24 years. Read that again, they had control for only 4 the last 24 years.

    And that can still be filibustered. So if you want the filibuster proof majority, then Obama had it for 4 months. Not years, MONTHS. Biden never had it. Add it up: Dems had filibuster proof control for 4 months of the last 24 years.

    Look at those stats again: Dems had control for 4 years of the last 24 years. For filibuster proof control, Dems had control for 4 MONTHS of the last 24 years.

    This is why Dems keep going to the center to find votes, because they basically never have control. To get literally anything done they need to go to the center. Take your pick, either 4 years of the last 24 fucking years, or the 4 months or the last 24 years. And you wonder why they go to the center?

    If you want progress you have to give Dems overwhelming and consistent victories.

      3 months ago

      You are focused on a filibuster proof majority. It only takes 51 votes to eliminate the filibuster. Democrats never go to the center to find votes, they abandoned the center years ago knowing they dont need to court their vote. They keep courting further and further to the right, and get no where doing it. Not to long ago they were courting the Nicki Haley voters.

        3 months ago

        I’m not focused on filibuster proof, I gave both. If anything I focused on simple majority.

        4 years of the last 24 years (simple majority, not filibuster) and you want to suggest they never have to go to the center to find voters? How does that math work out? They basically lost 20 of the last 24 years. That’s exactly why they have to go to the center to find voters. And why they have to compromise during those 20 years.

        Right, center, for this discussion whatever you want to call it, that’s the general direction they have to go. Because they lose all the fucking time. They lose consistently. Because the left never shows up to vote.

            3 months ago

            I’m saying if you want anything on the left, you need to give Dems consistent and overwhelming victories.

            Oh should we discuss capitalism?

            Whether you like it or not it’s capitalism. You have a choice between 1) capitalism that’s free for all, fuck the workers, fuck the consumers, fuck the Earth, disband the EPA, OSHA, FTC, etc. or 2) capitalism that’s regulated, with environmental protection, worker protections, minimum wages, workplace standards, product regulations, etc. You can say those regulations aren’t strong enough, but how do we get stronger regulations? The choice should be obvious.

              3 months ago

              That would still be a resounding no. We’ve tried it your way for decades and you people decided that an old senile POS with a racist past was the best option. There is no longer any credibility on good decisions remaining in liberals.

                3 months ago

                Then your vote is a resounding no to regulation. Make no excuses about it, that’s what you’re voting for.

                *Oh and btw for decades. Have you? Dems have had control of all 3 (house of reps, senate, and presidency) for 6 years of the last 44 years. That’s right, 6 pathetic years out of 44 fucking years. So no, you haven’t tried for decades. You’ve tried nothing and are all out of ideas.

                **And I really should cover what he’s done since you’re intent on attacking: Green energy, EV investment, union empowerment, student debt forgiveness, marijuana rescheduling and pardons, infrastructure, drug price controls, Chips act, PACT act, etc etc etc. Non-competes banned (by FTC along ‘party lines’). Pardoning people kicked out for being gay. Supporting Ukraine. Fucking great President.

                    3 months ago

                    They get control when they go to the center to find votes. So guess what happens? They go to the center voter, and they cater to the center voter. And you’re surprised that they go to the center?

                    So. What do you do as the left voter that wants them to move left? You vote for them. You give them consistent and overwhelming victories. Then they have the option to actually move to the left.