Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM Host: Megan Everett

Guests: Rebecca Ford, Steve Sinclair, Pablo Alonso, Geoff Crookes, Sheldon Carter

Our main event! Mysteries surrounding Warframe 1999 will be laid bare with an extensive look at our most ambitious update yet. Welcome to the party, Tenno.

Watch it live: https://www.twitch.tv/warframe

  • tb_@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Nyx is useful I guess, but she doesn’t really stand out in today’s meta.

    Armour stripping is cool, but she can only handle a few targets at a time.
    With the augment for her 4th she’s really tanky, but also very slow.
    Her CC is pretty good, but why bother when there are frames which can wipe the room in the same amount of time.

    I guess that’s power creep for ya.

    Trinity used to be required for high level missions with her damage reduction, but who needs that anymore with shieldgating and all the other chaos abilities cause.

    It really isn’t much of a squad game anymore.

    • sandriver@dormi.zone
      2 months ago

      Nyx is one of my main frames because of how flexible and complete she is. If I’m doing Incursions or a lich hunt, Nyx is my easy lazy pick.

      Psychic Bolts is unique amongst fullstrip abilities because it’s one-handed, so you can stay mobile on linear mission types, and Pacifying Bolts provides a very long stun on non-combat mission types like Captures. It also has extremely low power requirements which can be met with shards alone, so I have my Nyx built just for Range and Duration, and one of my Arcanes goes towards Arcane Consequence so I can get through linear missions faster.

      CC is useful if an objective defense comes up, since nuke frames can’t always keep up. And unlike Loki, she brings a native fullstrip at the cost of very slightly less taunt power.

      Absorb is in a weird place as I think it’s optional now that helminth exists. Chaos (+/- Chaos Sphere) and Condemn handles all my survivability needs. I only use it on my lich hunting loadout in case I get an early lich.

      Mind Control is my only huge disappointment. Overguard kind of spoiled the fun of stealing eximus abilities for yourself, especiall Heat and Energy Leech eximus. I barely use Mind Control anymore, although it does have nice non-eximus targets still.

      I would also love to see the (now broken?) Psychic Bolts function of removing infested auras expand to removing all Eximus abilities and doing so through Overguard.

      • tb_@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Huh, that’s a nice write-up. Maybe I’ll look over my Nyx again sometime.
        Couldn’t you have mentioned Arcane Consequence being interesting a few days ago?

        (Also, tiny nitpick; Ash with his shuriken augment also has a one-handed strip so Nyx’s is technically not “unique”.)

        • sandriver@dormi.zone
          2 months ago

          Good catch on Ash! Although Nyx also rips off shields in the few cases where shields are a significant health sink.

    • Convict45@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      This really sounds like you don’t play Nyx ever, or at least not in the last couple of years.

      With her 2 augment, she stuns everyone in front of her, and stunned enemies then DIE.

      I recall that Nyx’s low usage shot up considerable when Steel Path became available—and that’s because all the things she does are not needed in the normal star chart, but they REALLY are when you’re starting the Path.

      Does she need to have strong weapons? Sure. But so what? Plenty of frames without exalteds need strong weapons.

      Also the real thing she needs with her 4 augment is either Rift Strike on the Twin Basolk, or the Nira (Amar? I can’t remember) mods that lets her teleport to any enemy she heavy attacks. An invincible armor stripper who teleports all over the map heavy attacking? Such fun.