Doggo outgrew lite up collar but it’s just led attached to this clear nylon or pvc piping. Feel like if I knew what the tubing material was I could probably find some. This is 8mm OD.
Tough to tell from a picture alone, but maybe something like this?
Yep, it’s PMMA cable.
That totally looks like it to me
That looks spot on but it’s way more expensive than a new collar😅. Figured it would be really cheap by the foot but maybe I just need to get the new collar!
FYI there’s another style of LED collar which is not a full collar but rather a rectangular strip of LEDs that you can attach to any collar. That way it can’t be outgrown.
Have a brand / name?
I’m walking him ATM but it looks like it says “Nite Ize” on the side
Would you mind posting a link? ☺️
Bought mine at a pet shop
As someone else in this thread said, that is PMMA, basically acrylic. I work a ton with the stuff to distribute light to displays and indicators when designing hardware prototypes. I also had dogs once, same stuff really.
That’s a really good question, I bet you could drill down the categories on and find it there
Maybe the ldpe rods here
Looks like PVC tubing:
$4.82 for 10 feet with free shipping.
Maybe pic didn’t do it justice. It’s not really tubing. It’s solid so light can scatter through it.
Oh hmm I see what you mean. Not sure what keywords to try. I’ll give it some thought.