What apps do you find helpful for any adhd concerns??

  • Due for the iPhone is excellent. It’s a reminder app that nags you every five minutes until you get The Thing™ done. Before I started using it, I had a problem with forgetting reminders once they appeared. This never happens anymore and I actually manage to get some things done!

    • sjm@vlemmy.net
      1 year ago

      I also use Due - it’s become an important part of my every day that reminds me of anything important

      I find that I have to be careful and remove things that aren’t important to me any more as they change otherwise I can get alarm fatigue and start ignoring reminders though. I suspect that would be true of any system I used, though!

        • djquadratic@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          so far this seems super promising! i like how it will import iOS reminders - and that means that location based reminders will get pushed over to due once i get within the geofence (and it fetches it from the app) – I even set up a shortcut to have a laundry timer because thats been something i forget about all the time after the alarm goes off