One does not commit or compile credentials
This meme was brought to you by the PyPI Director of Infrastructure who accidentally hardcoded credentials - which could have resulted in compromissing the entire core Python ecosystem.
One does not commit or compile credentials
This meme was brought to you by the PyPI Director of Infrastructure who accidentally hardcoded credentials - which could have resulted in compromissing the entire core Python ecosystem.
@carrylex git should be password manager aware and refuse to commit if changes include a password
They do. But, as they say,ake it idiot-proof, and someone will make a better idiot.
Github != Git
You’re right. I do that sometimes.
Well from my personal PoV there are a few problems with that
Easy. You check in the password file first. Then you can check if the codebase contains any entry on the blacklist.
You were so close! The right solution is of course training an AI model that detects credentials and rejects commits that contain them!
I need one of those reminder bots, so I can share a link to an inevitable startup, six months from now, based on your humorous comment.
You joke, but GitHub advanced security does this and more. On top of the AI component, they check the hash of all things that look like an api key and then also check them against their integrated vendors to see if they’re non-expired. I don’t know how well it works, but they claim like a .1% false positive rate or something like that.
No. Never.
In this situation, it would be better to write a simple script that can generate fresh and unique values for the dev.
Laziness is not an excuse.