The settings on KDE show this info about my computer after buying a used motherboard. Apparently it came from a prebuilt, though it is a standard ASUS board. Where does this branding come from and is it possible to remove it?
The branding also shows in inxi:
Machine: Type: Desktop System: PC Specialist product: Tornado R7S v: N/A serial: <superuser required> Mobo: ASUSTeK model: PRIME B450-PLUS v: Rev X.0x serial: <superuser required> part-nu: 1744753 UEFI: American Megatrends v: 4402 date: 12/13/2023
Are just adding a ‘k’ to regular words like they with ‘quantum’ in Ant-Man: Quantumania?
kinfocenter is an application in Plasma where you can see all kinds of information about your system. So no, they are not just adding k to random words like quantum in Ant-man. :)
So they didn’t just add a k to infocenter? ;)
The poster did not, no. Plasma had a habit, back in the day, of doing that, but not for a while now.
Yes, it’s kool
KDE was originally called “Kool Desktop Environment” until they renamed it, first to “K Desktop Environment” then to just “KDE”.
It was the first Linux desktop environment that tried to make all its apps look consistent. Before KDE, Linux UI apps were very inconsistent, each one using whatever UI toolkit it wanted. They likely named all of them with a K to make the naming somewhat consistent too.
Gtk was released two years later, originally only used in GIMP (Gtk originally stood for for “GIMP ToolKit”) and it took a while for other desktop environments to have a consistent look and feel like KDE did.
I mean it is useful. And they dont use “Kelvin” or something