It all comes from Arizona. Ive never been to Arizona. My phone number isnt anywhere near Arizona. One year, I replied STOP to every text. Nothing stopped. Now I just cuss them out and block them, but it still persists. I wrote an email to the Arizona Republican’s main office and demanded my number be removed from thier canvassing. Crickets. More spam. 3 today alone. I am so tired of this shit. It doesnt help that I think conservatives are pieces of shit and I am a member of a marginalized community that they are targeting with hate and discriminative laws.
This is not remotely helpful.
Why? I did it a decade ago, and its been extremely helpful for both reducing spam and increasing security
That is akin to amputating your leg because you’re tired of stubbing your toes.
Nah, its akin to replacing a leg whoose artery is cut and hemorrhaging with a cybonetic leg that also let’s you fly