Such an incredibly effort here.
This is the coolest thing I’ve seen all week! It must’ve been so much work rehearsing and setting this all up, with all the little details, like the furries driving cars in the background :3
I was more impressed it seemed like it could have been one take for the final video, I only saw one or two spots where there could have been a transition. I just wish I understood Japanese. I didn’t notice the cars the first time.
I especially wonder how the final shot is done, lifting into the air. I assume it would be a boom camera, but I didn’t see ant boom in the shot, so I wonder how that was done.
It was probably done with a drone, there could have been a cut during the spin just before that shot, or the whole thing was filmed with a drone.
Edit: Most was not shot with a drone, you can see the camera briefly in a reflection at ~1:00. The fast scrolling shot was done while riding in a van, visible in the behind the scenes section. I suspect there is a cut during the view of the speakers on the pole.
I’m not a furry, despite being naturally furry when naked. But I’m furry friendly.
I have never run across “fursuiter” as a term before. Am I just out of the loop, or is it so new I wouldn’t have had a chance to run across it?
“Fursuiter” is a fairly old term, relatively speaking. Wiktionary lists two examples from 2009 and 2010, but I’m sure the term is way older than that. There’s an Urban Dictionary entry from 2003, for example. The Wikipedia article about fursuits says that the term “fursuit” is “believed to have been coined in 1993 by Robert King,” and adding the -er to it to describe someone wearing one feels natural enough for it to have happened soon after that.
Well, I’ll be danged.
Thank you for the info, and the links, I appreciate it :)
For anyone curious on how this sort of video is made, OK GO has a great behind the scenes for “I Won’t Let You Down”. The biggest “trick” is recording the video at a different speed than it’s played at. It gives everyone just slightly more time to hit their poses and still have it look crisp in the end result.
Click here for “I Won’t Let You Down”.
Click here for the behind the scenes