White is not the only high-level cyclist to die in Colorado in recent years. In 2020, Clif Pro Team racer Ben Sonntag was killed by a driver while on a training ride outside Durango. That driver was sentenced to serve jail time in late 2021. In 2021, U.S. masters champion Gwen Inglis was killed by a driver outside Lakewood, Colorado.

  • Coreidan@lemmy.world
    2 年前

    The only point you’ve made through all of your rambling is that you lack the ability to assess risk. Comparing airplanes falling out of the sky to getting hit by a car while on a road just shows your lack of ability.

    There is definitely one thing you’re right about, which is that continuing this conversation is a complete waste of time. You’ll forever be the person who is too blind to see what is in front of them.

    Your solution punishes victims, rather than address the cause.

    No, my solution avoids getting hit by cars. You’re just too blind to see it.

    it’s not about “cycling around cars”, but simply being around cars that puts EVERYONE at risk.

    So then use better judgement and stop doing things near cars. Cycling would be an obvious one. Building sand castles next to a road is also a bad idea. You’re the type that would build sand castles next to roads.