When posting a 20 minute video, I’d appreciate a short summary.
You’re assuming that the 20 minute video isn’t already a short summary of something larger. You can only summarize something so much before reducing it to uselessness.
Then how about a synopsis?
If I know what the contents of the video are going be, then I know if it’s worth watching for some new insight; or if it’s something I’ve heard/read about already.
exactly, not everyone has time to stop everything and watch a random 20 minute video from a thread based on essentially “trust me bro”
especially with a vague and borderline clickbait title. To prove a point, I’m going to watch it at some point and I can almost guarantee i can either summarise it or provide a synopsis.
It definitely is, the video description mentions a master thesis.
Every book has a cover text to give the reader some information. Every thesis has an abstract with the key points. But sadly on YouTube, the video description is often pretty useless.
TL;DW : money, and a lack of critical thinking (1 men told “this is the way to build” and all jumped on the train)