Sony released ‘Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart’ on Steam on July 26, peaking at less than 9 thousand PC players compared to PlayStation success.

    2 years ago

    Not true at all, platformers thrive on PC in part because we have a lot of indie promotion and loads of platformers come from indie devs.


    1. The game costs double on PC what it does on PSN right now, even less buying used.
    2. It’s part of the PS+ game catalogue, which is a pretty cheap upgrade for people who have PS+ Essential already and means that PS+ Premium users can stream it (including to PC).
    3. The PS5 port is already pretty dang good, 40 FPS at 4K and 60 below that, and platformers are generally best played with a controller. Most people aren’t really missing out by just playing on PS5 if they have one.

    It just doesn’t make sense to buy for a lot of people. We’re beyond the phase of buying games just so Sony keeps putting them out, and in the phase of ignoring bad values. I’m a PC gamer myself, but I’m playing a whole bunch of games on PS5 right now because they’re included with PS+ Extra/Premium and I’m price-sensitive.