“(With) today’s Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity, that fundamentally changed. For all practical purposes, there are virtually no limits on what the president can do. It’s a fundamentally new principle and it’s a dangerous precedent because the power of the office will no longer be constrained by the law even including the supreme court of the United States.”
Throughout his address, Biden underscored the gravity of the moment, emphasizing that the only barrier to the president’s authority now lies in the personal restraint of the officeholder. He warned vehemently against the prospect of Trump returning to power, painting a stark picture of the dangers such an outcome could pose.
Wow it’s a shame he’s a fucking pussy who won’t author an ‘official act’ to oust the supreme court.
You don’t need to resort to misogyny/sexist insults to make a point.
Geez, how fragile.
You’re trying too hard
They’re not the one crying about a bad word online lol
And you got ratio’d kiddo
Imagine thinking fake Internet points matter, let alone decide who is right and wrong. I thought those of us who left Reddit learned that lesson. I guess it takes a little longer for some of us 🤷♂️
Tell you what, let’s go through your comment history and find all the times you were on the wrong side and make sure you adjust your views accordingly. Fair’s fair right?
You do you pal. I replied because you keep doubling down. I don’t care much to fit some homogeneous mindset so I’m fine being wrong. The fake internet point blackhole you got going does got you riled up evident by this engagement
Bro YOU brought up the vote count! You are the one who acted like it matters. I literally don’t even know what the scores are - it doesn’t show downvotes on my end, so no I really do not care what the vote counts are but you can go ahead and feel superior about… I don’t know, owning somebody because you think you should be able to call people a pussy without having to consider what the word means? Congratulations, you won! Must feel great. You really brought home a W for free speech on that one. Truly this is what you should be fighting for.
I am happy to double down on telling people that they should maybe consider the language they use. If you find that offensive and feel the need to go to war over it I don’t know what to tell you. If I’m a sick puppy you’re at the vet with me too lol
I’m not that invested in this to read all that sorry. I’m sure it all means well, or not. Idk. But best of luck m8
Now I need to look up the origin of that word. I thought it came up separately from the body part reference.
It did. It’s an abbreviation of the word pusillanimous.
However, almost everybody thinks it’s referring to vagina, so it doesn’t really matter anymore. Even most people who use it think that.
What matters is 99.99% of people understand “pussy” as “vagina” so yeah that’s kind of the issue here.
You’ll notice that I said that in my post.
I didn’t disagree
“Pussy” is pretty narrowly used in place of “vagina” and is used almost exclusively as an insult to call someone weak or cowardly (outside of a sexual context).
And what’s the problem? If it were sexist they would be using “stop being a woman” compared to “stop being a pussy”. One is sexist the other is just an insult. Grow some skin. This is the internet, after all.
You are so close. What makes being a pussy a bad thing? Why is that an insult? Unpack that for a second. Use your critical thinking skills.
Because pussies tend to be soft and delicate and theyre saying he should be hard and strong instead of soft and delicate.
It is baffling to me that what you just wrote didn’t sort this out for you.
Have you ever touched a hard, rigid, strong pussy?
Lol and what makes having a low temperature desirable, because those people are cool. You really are digging for something to be offended by.
Do I really need to point out that this is a false equivalency?
You could, but you’d be wrong. You take a word with a literal meaning and use it as slang, giving it another making. Do I really need to point out how slang works?
You sound like a real dick
As opposed to a fake one?
Ey, you’re catching on
Jfc how bored do you need to be to have like four different conversations going with me. Feel free to have the last word, I’m sure it’s very important to you. I’m done
Lol, look at how many convos you have, how bored must you be? Somehow I’m worse because I’m talking with one person, not 10? But ya, silly me engaging in conversation on a forum.
Lol, this “have the last word” line is basically a meme at this point. I’ve called out your issues and hypocrisy in other to threads you don’t respond to, but you respond to this with a weak attempt to save face. You had a bad take, got called out, and now you’re running away, tail between your legs.
You’ve been done, when half a dozen people wrecked your bad stance, at least you recognize it now.
deleted by creator
Christ, can you fuck off?
The block feature is readily available to you. Enjoy!
Good point.
These are the fucking hand wringing “liberals” that I can’t stand.
Feelings over Freedom!
I don’t know where I fall because whereas I believe in equity for all and protecting the children and planet and all that shit, I also strongly lean towards swift and immediate retribution and don’t care whose feelings get hurt.
Lmfao I’m taking your freedom? How dramatic.
I am fairly certain “pussy” is slang for pusillanimous. Can it be used misogynisticly, yes. Was that the intent here, I don’t think so based off the context.
And the f slur means “a bundle of sticks”. That doesn’t make it not a slur.
I’m glad to see someone else here talking sense
All of us learned it as a way to call someone a “vagina” to highlight they are weak or cowardly. You can’t possibly tell me that wasn’t how you learned it.
So based off of that comment alone and the context surrounding it, do you truly believe their intent was to be misogynistic or were they using slang to emphisize their frustration while calling Biden a coward?
Intention is irrelevant. Otherwise I could just call people slurs and argue the slur’s meaning is irrelevant. The insult is clearly associating having/being a vagina with cowardice and weakness.
Yeah, I guess I can see your point. I was under the impression that a lot more people were aware of the root of that word. I grew up reading a lot of books, so I guess that factored into my view. Thanks for the perspective, I am all for phasing out legitimately problematic language.
I’m not 100% what your upbringing was, but at least for us in America generally you learned that word sometime in middle school as something to call other boys as an insult. You’re definitely well read because frankly I’ve never even heard that word until this thread lol
From the link:
Shut up wuss.
Damn I got got! What a big strong man you are! You sure showed me!
Let me give you a little tip I gave someone else: the block button is easily within your grasp, if maybe a bit advanced for you. But i’m sure that with hard work and determination even you could figure out how to use it.
Right? Order the DOJ to lock up all of the justices (so it’s bi-partisan!).