We’re watching US democracy dying right before our eyes.
If Biden and the Democrats had any mental coherency and a spine they’d be using this ruling to their advantage and fuck over conservatives before conservatives get into office to kill democracy and the opposition parties.
Great! Now jail and/or execute the 6 corrupt justices. The problem just solved itself.
This will not happen. Democrats are fucking pussies and I keep voting for their pussy asses even though they don’t do anything.
If they were as freaked out by the democratic agenda as they say they are, they would never have made this ruling. It really shows that there is nothing to fear from the democrats.
Democrats aren’t pussies. Democrats are another arm of the ruling class (aka the 0.1%). There’s a reason they act inept on these things. It makes for good theater which people eat up, but it’s all for the rich. That’s the biggest reason they’ve been remiss to move to the left. The only ones fighting for us are ones that are considered “progressive”, which are greatly in the minority. Once you realize this, a lot more of the democratic leadership actions (or lack thereof), makes sense.
Gotta elect that string of dictators disinclined from exercising their powers 🤷
Fuck this is so bad.
Bastille Day is next weekend. I think that’s enough time to order and assemble a guillotine. IKEA has those, right?
So you’re telling me Biden could imprison SCOTUS and he’d be free from prosecution?
I guess they would need to decide if it’s an official act or not. But if they’re no longer in SCOTUS, and/or in jail/dead, how could they decide?