Thinking of starting a personal project to keep busy. I’m very good with databases and SQL but interested in branching out to more full-stack

I’m thinking Supabase, Sveltekit and Svelte

What would you all use?

    1 year ago

    Personally, I’d use SvelteKit and Svelte for the app itself as an SPA, SurrealDB for the database and express for the API.

    • SvelteKit and Svelte because I like their simplicity compared to other frameworks, though I wish there was a programmatic router instead of a filesystem-based one. (Also took me a while to understand how the hell hooks work)
    • SurrealDB because it looks interesting and I’d like to try it.
    • Express because it’s the server I have the most experience with, and separating the API from the app itself is a must.