A few years ago I made this variant of the Therian logo to symbolize Furry, Therian, and Otherkin Liberation and link our struggles and causes to the wider LGBTQ+ community which many of us belong to. As LGBTQ+ are increasingly the targets of hate crimes and as governments begin to pass draconian laws targeting transgender and other queer folk it is important for us to stand together in these times.

This symbol incorporates the pink upside-down triangle used during the holocaust to mark homosexuals, which later became a global symbol for Queer Liberation. As our society teeters on the precipice of Fascism is it crucial that we stick together.

This version came to me in a dream and was given to me by someone who was a very good friend. I made it with the intent to one day use it as the symbol for a lodge system and a movement to ensure liberation and freedom for both Queer folk and the Therian-Otherkin community whose fates are intertwined as we have seen. The reactionaries who threaten the LGBTQ+ have shown they will not stop with us and that Furries, Therians, and Otherkin at-large are all in danger.

I am hoping that pretty soon I will have the first Local up and running. Looking to make it a simple thing, tbh. Just a bunch of Therians and Otherkin hanging out at first then work on building support networks to help our fur-iends in need. Looking to help spread a little light in what increasingly seems to be a world of darkness.