Do they think the hands-off treatment that giant corporations that basically print money get is going to somehow “trickle down” to them, too?

Because last I checked, the guys who ran Jetflicks are facing jail time. Like, potentially longer jail time than most murder sentences.

…but letting OpenAI essentially do the same without consequences will mean Open Source AI people will somehow get the same hands-off treatment? That just reeks of bullshit to me.

I just don’t fucking buy it and letting massive corporations just skirt IP laws while everyone else gets fucked hard by those same IP laws just doesn’t seem like the best hill to die on, yet plenty of people who are anti-copyright/anti-IP laws are dying on this fucking hill.

What gives?

I am personally of the opinion that current IP/copyright laws are draconian, but that IP/copyright isn’t inherently a bad thing. I just know, based on previous history in the US, that letting the Big Guys skirt laws almost never leads to Little Guys getting similar treatment.

Also, I hope this is an okay place for this rant. Thanks for keeping this space awesome. Please remove if this is inappropriate for this forum, please and thank you.

    9 months ago

    Judging by my extensive arguing with people like this on reddit they fall into one of two camps:

    • Once bigcorp creates panicea AIs, they won’t need to pirate anymore because they will be able to ask ChatGPT to make all the movies and music they need.

    • They don’t think that additional copyright protections will ever be able to touch Microsoft and can only ever hurt the little guy.