I wish the unending list of tasks respected this rule. I really could use some time away from “crushing pressure of infinite expectation.”
Dependents? Or general struggle bus? You have my sympathy.
AuDHD/depression/anxiety/isolation/unemployment/impending homelessness/being aware of the shit state of the world.
You know, the usual. But thank you.
Agreed. Make it so.
So this dump I’m finishing. I would like you all to know I worked very hard on it. I’m sweating, and it took a lot out of me.
Yes! You go Dumplestiltskin! Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!
Sister taught me a little trick: pat yourself on the back after a good day. It’s stupid, but you know, it’s something
Thanks for sharing, OP. It’s appreciated
< OP basks … >
I would like to clarify the rule. A zero was accidentally dropped. It should be 50% basking time.
Edit: further clarification, 50% minimum.
Umm idk sometimes a good photo will take me several hours to stack and polish up in editing programs, and tbh I don’t want to spend 2 to 12 hours basking. I don’t even know what basking would mean in this context tbh.
…tbh I don’t want to spend 2 to 12 hours basking. I don’t even know what basking would mean in this context tbh…
Taking 5 to rub one out in celebration…
This tiny font is why I love people who post accessible content in the body.