In my experience the thing that gets everything else going is going for a walk. Start small. Walk to your front door and open it. Next time do it again. Perhaps take a step outside. Do it again. Then two steps, closing the door behind you - bring your keys!
The idea is to do something slightly bigger than before, but not so much that you are exhausted or afraid to try again.
The only one who is going to change anything is you, harness your energy and have a crack. Nobody is watching so no need to be ashamed.
Then don’t do all of it. I like to break my to-do list down to the smallest, actionable step? Usually it’s just a shower, but it helps me hate myself less.
That’s the list of things I know I should be doing but can’t.
I have been there.
It’s not a fun place.
In my experience the thing that gets everything else going is going for a walk. Start small. Walk to your front door and open it. Next time do it again. Perhaps take a step outside. Do it again. Then two steps, closing the door behind you - bring your keys!
The idea is to do something slightly bigger than before, but not so much that you are exhausted or afraid to try again.
The only one who is going to change anything is you, harness your energy and have a crack. Nobody is watching so no need to be ashamed.
Have at it.
Your the elf that wanted to be a dentist!
Then don’t do all of it. I like to break my to-do list down to the smallest, actionable step? Usually it’s just a shower, but it helps me hate myself less.