It is an interesting development, to be sure. On the one hand, I am glad to see that US influence in the middle east is weakening, and after seeing China negotiate peace between KSA and Iran I am relatively optimistic about China being able to use their growing influence for good.

On the other hand China seems to be aiming for a “two state solution” in Palestine, which I fear will legitimize Israel and harm Palestine in the long run.

What are your thoughts/opinions on this? Is there anything I am missing and should know about?

  • Black Yeonmi Par𝕏
    1 year ago

    China then invites Palestine to join the BRI under zero interest loans and helps Palestine build its infrastructure, green energy, clean water, airport, trains whatever. Lifting Palestinians out of poverty, breathing life and dignity into the people.

    Israel would sooner turn Palestine into a glow-in-the-dark glass parking lot before they allowed that kind of alliance on their doorstep, never even mind ‘unification’. Look at who Israel’s allies benefactors sugar daddies are. I see the Palestinian struggle as no different from the New Afrikan struggle; they’re just in the earlier stages of what we went through, and therefore, in a much better position to nip that shit in the bud before they’re all wearing ankle, wrist, and neck cuffs. Hell, ‘unification’ as you seem to be describing it is nothing more than capitulation, acquiescence to, and subjugation under the settler-apartheid monsters that are currently occupying what is Palestine’s with a ‘two-state solution’. Settlers are never satisfied with the first bite.

    With that understanding of the twin struggles, where do you think forgiveness is going to come from? There is no ‘forgiveness’ for oppressors in my heart anymore, just a torch that won’t go out, and a canister of gasoline. It wouldn’t surprise me if there are those in Palestine who’d echo my exact words for their colonizers.