It is an interesting development, to be sure. On the one hand, I am glad to see that US influence in the middle east is weakening, and after seeing China negotiate peace between KSA and Iran I am relatively optimistic about China being able to use their growing influence for good.

On the other hand China seems to be aiming for a “two state solution” in Palestine, which I fear will legitimize Israel and harm Palestine in the long run.

What are your thoughts/opinions on this? Is there anything I am missing and should know about?

  • Black Yeonmi Par𝕏
    1 year ago

    “Interesting” as far as for all of China’s other strides, I don’t believe their work towards a ‘two-state solution’ will pan out positively in the long run. Advancing a two-state solution will only see Israel fully eradicate Palestine, and then we’ll all be made to sit there like there’s not a nazi ethnostate festering on the face of the earth again. I know they’ve got a whole non-intervention thing going on; but the only solution to Palestine’s current predicament that sees them still existent in twenty years time is arms and reinforcements.

    Otherwise, a day will come when someone asks if a person’s ever heard of Palestine, and the global answer resounding around the world will be ‘no’.