It is an interesting development, to be sure. On the one hand, I am glad to see that US influence in the middle east is weakening, and after seeing China negotiate peace between KSA and Iran I am relatively optimistic about China being able to use their growing influence for good.

On the other hand China seems to be aiming for a “two state solution” in Palestine, which I fear will legitimize Israel and harm Palestine in the long run.

What are your thoughts/opinions on this? Is there anything I am missing and should know about?

    1 year ago

    I don’t think it’s actually possible for China to make the situation for Palestinians worse… A two state reality would be better than a one state apartheid, which has been the status quo for over 50 years now.

      1 year ago

      There is no conceivable scenario under which a “two state solution” is viable. That has been dangled in front of Palestinians for decades, in fact promising this has been a Zionist strategy since the very beginning of the occupation. And by now they’ve played that card so often they don’t even bother anymore, the last time anyone who mattered pretended to take that idea seriously was sometime in the early 90s when they used the Oslo Accords to trick the Palestinians with yet more false promises. And even that pretense turned out to be too much for many of the Zionists and they assassinated their own prime minister in 1995 because the mere suggestion of a compromise was unacceptable to them.

      Anyone trying to sell you a “two state solution” is either extremely naive and ignorant of history and of the realities of the Zionist occupation and its ideology, or is deliberately trying to fool Palestinians and their supporters, to weaken and demoralize them by driving a wedge between those who are so desperate, corrupt or easily fooled that they would compromise for the sake of “peace” and those who insist on continuing the struggle for complete liberation.

      Now i don’t mind China going through the motions of looking like they’re trying to negotiate in earnest, that is a geopolitical game they have to play, just like they had to pretend to put forward a “peace plan” for Ukraine. It’s good for their global image as the peace broker, which contrasts starkly with the US warmonger who stirs up conflict everywhere. But they know nothing is going to come of it.