When long pressing on a link in “All” or “Subscribed” view, the contextual menu that appears should probably show options for the link if possible. Currently it shows things like “share post”.

If the user wants to add the link to a service like “read it later”, you have to first open the post, then click the link, and then use the share button in the web view.

Not sure if it’s possible to change the behavior, but figure it was worth asking. Thanks for your time.

  • ‘Leigh 🏳️‍⚧️
    2 年前

    I’d love to have this feature, too. I typically use the in-app browser (web view), but sometimes would rather open a link in Safari proper. Probably so I can leave the tab open for two months until I finally admit I’ll never read it. 😅 But seriously, I’d use this feature, too. Even just a “Copy URL” to clipboard option would be helpful!