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  • i am allowed to spend my time creating things, even if they are not beautiful.
  • there is no such thing as a “real Job”. all forms of work are real and vlid.
  • there is nothing that i need to accomplish to be worthy. i am already worthy.
  • doing nothing ls good for my soul.
  • i am not deflined by what I produce.
  • my worth cannot be measured by my paycheck, my job title, or a list of professional or academic achievements.
  • i də not need to monetize my hobbles, It is enough to spend time doing something i love.
  • | will not let society decide what success looks like. I can define what successful life looks like for me.
    8 months ago

    I got caught up on that one too. I think it could be argued that CEO is a job, and landlord is a title. Neither of those necessarily implies work.

    But there might be some things that these people do which could be considered work.

    So like if you were to hypothetically divorce these from money, you could say that, I dunno: reading tech articles and going to conferences and talking about how your co-workers are implementing the tech, is work; or fixing up a house, or keeping tabs on a block of houses and making sure they’re actually maintained, is work.

    Maybe it is a stretch… I do think there are “bullshit jobs” which would not exist (certainly not in the current form) without capitalism. Like there would be no demand for them outside of accruing capital for people who don’t need it

      8 months ago

      There are different types of CEO’s. I played that role for a startup once, and it was one of the more difficult jobs I’ve ever done. The responsibility takes its toll.

      I’m sure there are fat cats at the top of established businesses that do nothing, but I’m not convinced that it is typical of even 50% of people who do that job.