That’s kind of a weird take. Centrists have not always done that (otherwise society would get steadily more conservative century after century) so you can’t just wave it away as meaningless. Instead I think liberals need to look at what is driving away centrists.
(it’s immigration)
Centrists move to the right no matter what happens.
That’s kind of a weird take. Centrists have not always done that (otherwise society would get steadily more conservative century after century) so you can’t just wave it away as meaningless. Instead I think liberals need to look at what is driving away centrists. (it’s immigration)
It’s not that weird given that account is one of the idiotic “bOtH siDeS” posters.
Maybe that dismissive Attitude is the reason? Because you don’t take our worries and opinions serious?
Because you attack us the moment we don’t hold the exact same opinion as you?
No, I’m sure that’s not the reason!