• Sunforged@lemmy.ml
    9 months ago

    If you saw unfortunate result because you put a check mark next to a D and expected something miraculous to happen, maybe you should start looking into the candidates instead of their party more often.

    WA state has top two elections so the majority of the time it’s vote big D or little d. We also have statewide vote by mail so every election, primaries included, you can site down and research candidates as you mark off the ballot sheet, it’s one of the few times I enjoy a glass of wine as I take my time with it as it takes up an entire evening.

    Any other misconceptions I can clear up for you?

    I don’t see progress happening through the ballot box, increasingly I see more and more conservative liberals winning elections. And the progressives I once had hope for when they were first elected become more and more compromised as they try to work within the democratic party.

    FYI I downvoted you because you whined about your downvotes. Just thought you should know.

    Just as funny, but more so because you read commentary as complaining.