
I’m looking into hosting a blog site for myself - nothing fancy, just a site where I can publish some of my thoughts and ideas. Maybe I also want a section to publish images. So, basically something lean and mostly text only.

What’s the easiest way to set this up for myself?

  • carl_dungeon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I also recommend a static site builder- you dont have to fuss with database or security, you can host with a simple http server, and it’s easy to work with. Hugo, Jekyll, etc

    • mr_tyler_durden@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Yeah, I’ve been paying $5 (or is it $10?) a month for my Ghost blog on a digital ocean droplet. It’s not worth it, my plan is to move to a static site generator (probably CloudFront -> S3 deployed via GitHub actions in a private repo) at some point. The features of Ghost don’t really matter to me and I hate maintaining the install/updating. Ghost feels like it’s moved more into “self-hosted substack”-territory which I have zero interest in, my blog posts are all public. Also, you can’t hack static files so security isn’t a worry with SSG which is super nice.

      Not sure which SSG I’ll go with, when I was younger I would have written my own but now I’ll just pick something off the shelf that has nice themes lol.