
My company gave me a laptop for work and after some time they will give it to another person when I quit the company so I want to make sure I don’t leave any of my data behind so which command should I run to delete my home directory to delete all the data?

is it just rm -rf /home/myname

  • @groet@infosec.pub
    1420 days ago

    Deleting a file does not overwrite the data. It just marks that area of the drive as “free”. Using forensic tools (or simply dd) you can read data from “empty” parts of the drive. To be save you have to overwrite each file. You can try tools like shred to scramble the data of a file before deleting it, but as they say themselfes, unfortunately your filesystem might not actually let you do that (scroll to the CAUTION section).

    You can use dd to write bytes to arbitrary places of the drive, but again, the filesystem might lie to you where a file is actually located. The ONLY way to be entirely sure is to wipe the whole drive. And if your IT does not do that before handing a system to a new employee, then they are not doing their job correctly.

    Not legal advice: just tell them you installed a few viruses (while the system was not connected to the company network of course) and they should nuke the system before handing it to anybody else.

    (You can also wipe the drive yourself by booting from a stick and overwriting the entire drive)

    • @lurch@sh.itjust.works
      320 days ago

      you can fill up the disk a few times after deleting files, so the system has to use up all free space and no matter where your data was it gets overwritten.

  • Jo Miran
    720 days ago

    I used to replace the disk drive before handing it in. That way, for a minimal investment, I’d get to keep my data and they got a never before used drive. That’s only possible if your laptop has an upgradeable. drive rather than a soldered on one.

  • @bloodfart@lemmy.ml
    319 days ago

    The usual advice is that you can’t so you have to destroy the drives. People like that because it’s a funny answer and it makes them feel good to care more about information than a physical object.

    The unusual advice is that you can’t, so just call the drives secure delete command and don’t worry about it. People don’t like that because it’s at the right hand side of the bell curve meme and they’re not monks.

    The complex advice is that it really depends on what you want to erase, why, and to what extent you’re expecting someone to invest in recovering it.

    The simple advice is to just pay for the drive and keep it.

  • @isgleas@lemmy.ml
    220 days ago

    You can use shred instead of rm, but even there the chance of recovering the files exist. If you have you homedir encrypted, just nucking the encrypted drive would do. Or you can replace the drive with a new, cheap one.

  • @Paragone@lemmy.world
    220 days ago

    Use IBM’s “wipe” command, not just rm -rf.

    Wipe overwrites the files ( you don’t need to use the default many-times method: that’s for spinning-platters ), but it makes undeleting stuff require serious work, instead of just some fs-surgery, if that’s significant to/for you.

    wipe is available with many distros, iirc.

  • DefederateLemmyMl
    19 days ago

    If you use shred instead of rm to delete a file, the contents should be unrecoverable for all practical intents and purposes.

    I don’t believe shred can work recursively on a directory structure, like rm, so you’ll have to cobble something together with the find command I guess.

  • @jemikwa
    19 days ago

    I’ll be the naysayer and say you should not do this.

    From an IT perspective, it’s entirely unnecessary. You are potentially tampering with company property by destroying user data and files, even your own. What you make and do on this computer belongs to the company, so deleting your user folder could violate contracts you signed in onboarding. Say you neglect to upload a file to a shared drive and your boss needs it after you leave the company. If IT already wiped the computer, that’s on them and not your fault. But if you proactively deleted these files and IT hadn’t gotten around to giving the laptop to the next person, that could be actionable even after your employment is over.

    From a practical perspective, your company’s IT team should be wiping and reinstalling the OS in between users. Even on Windows and MacOS, this is standard practice and a non issue to anyone who has 30 minutes to spare during onboarding computer setup. If your company isn’t doing this, that isn’t your problem because again, this is company property. Don’t use personal stuff on the laptop if you’re concerned about the next person getting access to those files.

  • @lurch@sh.itjust.works
    120 days ago

    after rm fill up the file system with random data a few times, then copy /etc/skel/ over to get the default configs back. maybe, if you’re paranoid, use a few apps like browsers, so if they actually look, there will be misleading results.