• kromem@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I find it interesting that the quoted denial during the hearing by the head of the central whistleblower’s agency explicitly denied that the UAPs were non-terrestrial.

      The theoretical physics that was brought up by that witness about the holographic principle (and what was effectively discussing the idea of travel through a wormhole) in order to explain potential FTL travel is the same mechanism behind theoretical time travel.

      Tech that can explicitly disable our military radar, multi vehicle diamond flight formations, and any interest in Earth circa 21st century when signals from intelligence on Earth would only have traveled in an ~100 light years radius away – all seem to point away from extraterrestrial origins.

      But all those details would be in line with much more advanced terrestrial origins.

      Ever since Lucian’s A True Story in the 2nd century AD, there’s been the idea of extraterrestrial life. And yet the thing that actually ended up true from that satirical story was a ship of humans flying up to the moon.

      I think a lot of the attention on this topic is over reliant on projecting advanced versions of human technology onto “visitors from outer space” rather than recognizing that the time proven trend over our history has been human driven technological advancement tending to overcome the wildest expectations of earlier humans.

      A lot of the testimony in that hearing does seem rather legit, and to point to things outside the scope of what we’d consider possible today. But it may be the direction of questions about origins asked are barking up the wrong Sci-Fi tree, and leaving wiggle room for carefully worded yet truthful denials as a result.