• @corvett@lemmy.world
    2829 days ago

    I read the article, but can’t figure out what NGO, NOYB, or GDPR mean. Can someone help me?

      • @mpk@awful.systems
        528 days ago

        It’s just in European. it’s an entirely reasonable assumption that people in this continent with even a passing interest in the world will know what an NGO is (that’s not even European-specific) as well as what the GDPR is. Your argument suggests that people from the US, for instance, should be forbidden from talking about IRAs and the IRS and their 401(k)s and the DMV because those terms mean very little to nothing over here.

        • @ruse8145@lemmy.sdf.org
          22 days ago

          No, actually, nothing I said implies that at all. It’s standard for authors in all fields to define their acronyms. And yes, I absolutely expect American authors to define their terms. The fact that we am American I don’t notice that irs is undefined in a given article doesn’t mean that’s permissible.

      • JackbyDev
        428 days ago

        💀 noyb is the name of an organization and GDPR is a law. NGO is the only thing you could even remotely begin to describe as unnecessary jargon but that’s still a stretch.

  • DominusOfMegadeus
    1530 days ago

    I am ALL for reigning in these above the law megacorps. That said, please do not take GPT away from me. It is such a boon to so many aspects of my life, and I don’t want to go back to the before times.

    • Karyoplasma
      10530 days ago

      So you’re not for reining in megacorps, just the ones you don’t see as a personal benefit.

      • DominusOfMegadeus
        229 days ago

        You’re right. I had an idea to regulate without completely eliminating, but that’s obviously crazy talk.

        • @GoodEye8@lemm.ee
          2629 days ago

          You do know the R in GDPR literally stands for Regulation? There’s already a regulation that chatGPT should follow but deliberately doesn’t. Your idea isn’t to regulate, it’s to get rid of regulation so that you could keep using your tool.

          • @laurelraven
            228 days ago

            Sounded more like enforcing the regulations without destroying the company or product to me, which I would have assumed was the preferred avenue with most regulations

            • @GoodEye8@lemm.ee
              528 days ago

              Agree to disagree. Regulations exist for a purpose and companies need to follow regulations. If a company/product can’t existing without breaking regulations it shouldn’t exist in the first place. When you take a stance that a company/product needs to exist and a regulation prevents it and you go changing the regulation you’re effectively getting rid of the regulation. Now, there may be exceptions, but this here is not one of those exceptions.

              • @laurelraven
                128 days ago

                I mean, sure, if that’s what someone is saying, but I didn’t see anyone suggest that here.

                Companies violating regulations can be made to follow them without tearing down the company or product, and I’m absolutely not convinced LLMs have to violate the GDPR to exist.

                • @GoodEye8@lemm.ee
                  127 days ago

                  That’s a matter of perspective. I took the other persons comments as “Don’t take away my chatGPT, change the regulations if you must but don’t take it away”, which is essentially the same as “get rid of regulation”.

                  Realistically I also don’t see this killing LLMs since the infringement is on giving accurate information about people. I’m assuming they have enough control over their model to make it say “I can’t give information about people” and everything is fine. But if they can’t (or most likely won’t because it would cost too much money) then the product should get torn down. I don’t think we should give free pass to companies for playing stupid games, even if they make a useful product.

      • @eltrain123@lemmy.world
        529 days ago

        People can’t seem to understand that it’s a tool in the early stages of development. If you are treating it as a source of truth, you are missing the point of it entirely. If it tells you something about a person, that is not to be trusted as fact.

        Every bit of information you get from it should be researched and verified. It just gives you a good jumping off point and direction to look based on your prompting. You can drastically improve your results on any subject with good direction, especially something you don’t know a lot about and are starting out in your research. If you are asking it about specific facts you want it to regurgitate, you are going to get bad information.

        If you are claiming damages from something you know gives false information, maybe you should learn how to use the tool before you get your feelings invested, so you can start using it more effectively in your own applications. If you want it to specifically say something that can grab a headline, you can make it do that, it’s just disingenuous and not actually benefiting the conversation, the technology, or the future.

        They have a long way to go to solve AGI, but the benefits to society along the way outpace current tools. At maturity, it has the potential to change major socio-economic structures, but it never gets there if people want to treat it like it has intuition and is trying to hurt them as the technology starts getting stood up.

        • @buddascrayon@lemmy.world
          28 days ago

          If you’re wondering why you’re getting so many downvotes, it’s because you’re ignoring the fact that the companies that have created these LLMs are passing them off as truth machines by plugging them directly into search engines and then asking everybody to use them as such. It’s not the fault of the people who are trusting these things, it’s the fault of the companies that are creating them and then passing them off as something they’re not. And those companies need to face a reckoning.

    • @passepartout@feddit.de
      2730 days ago

      Have a look at self hosted alternatives like Ollama in combination with Open-webui. It can be a hassle to set up, or even excruciatingly painful if you never touched a computer before, but it could be worth a try. I use it daily and like it much more than chatgpt to be honest.

      • capital
        28 days ago

        I use it daily and like it much more than chatgpt to be honest.

        I wish I did. What local model and version of ChatGPT did you compare?

        For my purposes, ChatGPT 4 was leagues ahead of the largest model I could run on a 1060.

        • @passepartout@feddit.de
          128 days ago

          I like the gemma models bc of the phrasing they use and that they give sources sometimes. The best results though come from llama3 I think. Also openhermes and openchat, which perform well enough for my purposes.

          In the beginning i had used microsoft phi, that wasn’t that good though.

          • capital
            228 days ago

            I will have to give it another shot because I don’t recognize any of those models meaning I probably didn’t try them.

      • @brbposting@sh.itjust.works
        1430 days ago

        Can absolutely never blindly trust the hallucinating plagiarism machine.

        It’s great where either facts don’t matter or you’re personally in a position to vet all of its “factual” output 100%. Text revision, prompting for additional perspectives, prompting to challenge beliefs and identify gaps. Reformatting, quick and easy data extraction, outlining, brainstorming.

        • @SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world
          429 days ago

          Reformatting and outlining as long as you go over and revise it again anyway, seemingly making that moot.

          Data extraction as long as you don’t care if the data is mangled.

          Brainstorming is a good one, since off-the-wall ideas can be useful in that context.

          • @sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
            529 days ago

            In most cases I’ve seen AI used, the person spends as much time correcting it than they would if they just did the work without AI. So maybe it makes you feel more productive because a bunch of stuff happens all at once, but at least for text generation, I think it’s more of a placebo.

            • Blóðbók
              329 days ago

              It can at least get one unstuck, past an indecision paralysis, or give an outline of an idea. It can also be useful for searching though data.

            • @SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world
              129 days ago

              If all I want is something blatantly false or legible yet nonsensical, like a modern lorem ipsum, it’s a real time-saver.

          • @tsonfeir@lemmy.world
            529 days ago

            Nope, just gotta know what it IS, what it ISN’T, and how to correctly write prompts for it to return data that you can use to formulate your own conclusion.

            When using AI, it’s only as smart as the operator.

        • capital
          28 days ago

          New version of people who know how to search the web vs those who don’t. Currently shit search results broken by search companies notwithstanding.

      • capital
        28 days ago

        This question betrays either your non-use or misuse of the products available. You’re either just reading the headlines of the screw-ups or you’re just bad at using the tool.

        To directly answer your question:

        • Quick scripts in a variety of languages. Tested before being used on real data/systems.
        • Creating visual graphs of data in python and Jupyter notebooks with no prior knowledge of python itself or the tools it’s running. In this case, I was able to update the way I wanted it to look in natural language, have it suggest code changes, and immediately try them in the notebook with great results.
        • Improving the sentiment of correspondence. Proofread before sending. It has better grammar and flow than a surprising number of correspondences I’ve come across at work. Sure, English may be their second language but it doesn’t change the fact.
        • Quickly finding documentation pertaining to the query which, yes, you need to go read to verify any answers any LLM provides. Anyone using it regularly should know this by now.
        • Quick “do this in command line. What options are required” which is then immediately tested.
        • In one case, a news story was referenced in passing in a podcast I listen to. It stuck with me days later and I wanted to find actual articles written about it. I was able to describe what I was looking for in natural language and included as many details as I could remember and asked it to find articles for me. I found exactly what I was after.

        But were you actually looking for a real response to your question?

        • @SpaceNoodle@lemmy.world
          428 days ago

          It’s worse at all programming tasks except boilerplate, especially with its tendency to inject booby traps. Not knowing how to use the programming language it emits becomes a significant problem.

          Comparing a language model to an idiot is unfair to the idiot.

          A normal search engine works for everything else.

          Any well-defined query I’ve ever made of an LLM has resulted in hilariously bad results, but I suppose I was expecting it to do something that I couldn’t already do better myself.

          • capital
            628 days ago

            I’m a systems administrator, not a programmer. Like I said, quick scripts. An LLM could probably parse my comment better than you, evidently.

            Comparing a language model to an idiot is unfair to the idiot.

            Oof… Was this in reply to my bit about better grammar and ESL individuals?

            A normal search engine works for everything else.

            Fuck no. Especially the python visualization point.

            Any well-defined query I’ve ever made of an LLM has resulted in hilariously bad results, but I suppose I was expecting it to do something that I couldn’t already do better myself.

            I suppose you’re just a god among men then. For the rest of us, it’s useful and you’ve been given plenty of good answers to your disingenuous question.

      • Kogasa
        328 days ago

        I don’t really query, but it’s good enough at code generation to be occasionally useful. If it can spit out 100 lines of code that is generally reasonable, it’s faster to adjust the generated code than to write it all from scratch. More generally, it’s good for generating responses whose content and structure are easy to verify (like a question you already know the answer to), with the value being in the time saved rather than the content itself.

  • SteefLem
    29 days ago

    If it complied with GDPR, chatgpt wouldnt know shit. How can it give you a (bad) copy of an answer when it cant copy

    • @spongebue@lemmy.world
      5029 days ago

      So? If your invention depends on illegal plagiarism to exist, maybe it shouldn’t. It’s not the law’s fault that LLMs depend on other people’s work to function, nor was that its specific target when it was written

      • capital
        28 days ago

        If your invention depends on illegal plagiarism to exist

        Have any of the trials finished? I knew there were some ongoing but hadn’t heard any rulings yet.

        • @spongebue@lemmy.world
          628 days ago

          The comment I was replying to basically said it has to be noncompliant (illegal) for the whole thing to work, as if that justified it. If a trial or whatever finds it’s not illegal, so be it, but I’d still have some moral issues about basically everything anyone ever does or has done turning into AI food