Critics of a new Louisiana law, which makes it a crime to approach within 25 feet (7.6 meters) of a police officer under certain circumstances, fear that the measure could hinder the public’s ability to film officers — a tool that has increasingly been used to hold police accountable.
Under the law, anyone who is convicted of “knowingly or intentionally” approaching an officer, who is “lawfully engaged in the execution of his official duties,” and after being ordered to “stop approaching or retreat” faces up to a $500 fine, up to 60 days in jail or both. The law was signed by Gov. Jeff Landry, a Republican, Tuesday and goes into effect Aug. 1.
This some fascist shit. Why is the government so obsessed with shielding cops from accountability?
Police Unions and lobbyists. Police Unions are one of the few times unions aren’t necessarily a good thing.
All public sector unions are wrong.
Because Republicans are fascists and Democrats are spineless.
Democrats aren’t spineless. they are operating in a world where republicans own the majority of the media and will repeat whatever they say. For example, The democrats lost a lot of local elections last cycle because republican media scared everyone into thinking crime rates were soaring even though they’re at all time lows. Republicans have gerrymandered so well that they have to be extremely careful or risk losing even in states where they have the majority of voters.
Republicans have been playing a long game starting with Regan and they are in their end game now.
LoL there’s no way the police ain’t gonna abuse this law.
They will start charging at people shouting for them to move back then just grab them and beat the tar out of them.
How close do you need to be to take cell phone video of police without being a distraction?
25 feet feels a bit much, but understandable. I can certainly record people 25 feet away with very good detail.
However, does that radius expand if a second cop gets in between and starts walking your way? That sounds like an entrapment issue.
Like they’re gonna care how far you really were.
I didn’t approach, he ran at me!
“It’s comin’ right for us!”
It’s far enough that recording clear video in darker settings would be harder since most zoom lenses suck in low light. Audio would be harder to pickup as well.
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Obviously, if shit goes down and people whip out cell phones, it doesn’t magically turn everyone into guerrilla cinematographers bumping elbows with police to get the best angle. So if not 25 feet, what would you say is a respectable buffer zone between bystander and interfering?
However, does that radius expand if a second cop gets in between and starts walking your way? That sounds like an entrapment issue.
If the wording in this article is correct, the radius would stay the same. It talks about approaching officers, not being approached by officers. If they close the gap, that’s on them.
25 feet is far enough to prevent most voices that aren’t yelling from being recorded. Any sidewalk next to an officer pulling a car over is restricted, as well as 2 lanes of road. A bailiff restricts most the courtroom. Jails are essentially fucked for incarcerated. Any cop directing traffic could choose any car to fuck over. Be careful at any sporting event where a drunk may get removed.
The point of the Arizona law is to prevent you from recording your own encounter with an officer. You can’t ask an officer to stand 25 feet away from your car after being pulled over.
This needs to be challenged with the “one-party consent” law that allows for both parties of a phone conversation to record if one is recording. If I’m being recorded, I should maintain the right to record.
Interesting take. I didn’t read it that way. If you are the epicenter, you would always be withing the 25’ circle. Hmmm
Edit: based on the article, it doesn’t sound like this would apply. The law mentions approaching an officer, implying the bystander began away from but on a vector moving towards the location.
But I’m no lawyer.
Yet another reason to avoid the deep south.
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Wait until they learn about zoom lenses.
Zoom lenses are great, unfortunately most phones only have wide angle lenses.
Walk away from police? Jail.
Walk towards police? Believe or not, also jail!
How close can they get to ligma?