• @nilloc@discuss.tchncs.de
      126 days ago

      They’re not even talking about fetuses. They’re taking about Zygotes and blastocysts. They want the moment of fertilization to start life.

      Imagine how many women they’re going to have to kill when they find out how many fertilized eggs aren’t born.

  • beefbot
    1528 days ago

    I’m sure they mean SUSPECTED abortion patients

    • Terrasque
      27 days ago

      She’s a witch, get h… Whisper whisper really? Whisper whisper whisper oh, sorry, wrong page. Pulls out new page

      She’s an abortion patient, get her!

    • @bilboswaggings@sopuli.xyz
      3928 days ago

      Forcing an unwanted birth doesn’t lead to a fulfilling life for the parent or the kid

      We should also start penalizing people who have miscarriages right? Since that is essentially manslaughter then (I hope you get that this is a joke, just like your stance on abortion)

    • @Tyfud@lemmy.world
      28 days ago

      Man, I’m so sick of you fucking crazies screwing with women’s rights because you think you know more than medical doctors.

      You understand your crowd didn’t give a rat’s fucking ass about abortion until the evangelical leaders decided to make it a national outrage issue in the 80s, right?

      All you are is a poor manipulated tool of Christo fascist agenda set decades ago.

      And you’re so bought in on this at this point that you can’t back out, because it would make you look weak, or lose your friends, or whatever. But that’s on your for not doing the right thing here and supporting women’s rights, and supporting the mountain of medical evidence that backs pro choice.

      Instead, you just repeat the same, tired horseshit your heard at your last church sermon or from fox News.

      So, if you’re not interested in helping women regain rights they had stolen from them, yet again, then you can fuck right off.

        • @Tyfud@lemmy.world
          327 days ago

          Haha, holy crap, yeah, that was me a very, very long time ago. Several lifetimes ago it feels. 🙂 I still have a few long term friends from xdo, but I don’t really game with them much anymore.

          What’d you play? 🙂

          • @WindyRebel@lemmy.world
            27 days ago

            lol! Holy shit and so random. I doubt you knew me on DAoC, but I was on Hibernia/Nimue when you all played Midgard.

            I played a Lurikeen nightshade name Cyno and then a Celt valewalker named Chaka. I was in smaller guilds mostly, but TPG did recruit me for a short time.

            • @Tyfud@lemmy.world
              227 days ago

              Dude, I think I remember your Keen NS Cyno on Nimue. :) Crazy how small of a community this stuff is sometimes. :) Awesome to see some familiar faces on Lemmy.

              How’ve things been since then? I’m sure you’ve lived a similar amount of lifetimes hah. Who knew we’d all end up getting old, just like everyone else before us? :)

              • @WindyRebel@lemmy.world
                227 days ago

                Such a small world, even on the internet! I’ve only ever seen this name and spelling this way from gaming and thought I’d ask.

                Things are great for me! In my 40s, but still feeling young. Can’t game as much because married with kid and dogs, but I do from time to time. Getting hard to be competitive without those twitch reactions. Ha!

                How about yourself?

                • @Tyfud@lemmy.world
                  327 days ago

                  Ah, glad to hear it! 40s are the new 30’s or something they tell me. :)

                  Same here for the most part. Almost in my mid 40’s, got married to a player named Farah/Firah (we were dating before we started playing DAoC though to be fair), sadly things didn’t work out, got divorced in my 30’s, then remarried recently in my 40’s and we’re just enjoying life. No kids, 1 dog, 2 cats sort of thing.

                  I’ve been a software engineer most of my life, and now I manage/run a few teams of them at a large enterprise. Looking to get out of B2B here soon and take a stab at my lifelong dream: Making video games. Hoping to do that next year. I’ve been working with an Indie shop on my own time for the last couple years and we’ve released a couple games on Steam/Epic, so going to take a stab at doing that for realsies. ;)

                  In terms of gaming, lol, yeah man. I’m losing to one kid after the other nowdays haha. I got into WoW for a bit, like everyone, but ultimately I just play casual games like Overwatch(2) and Genshin Impact (Would not recommend that one, hah, I play for family mostly). Just trying to get back into the swing of things and find that enjoyment of gaming I feel like I lost so long ago.

      • @Varven@lemmy.world
        28 days ago

        Mars exists for a reason and earth can hold up to about 11b people and for miscarriage it’s not like abortion where you take medication and it kills the baby miscarriage is smth that happens that no one can prevent if it happens

        • @dovahking@lemmy.world
          1928 days ago

          Mars is not your backyard that by planting a patch of grass and watering it will turn the whole planet into a lush grassland. And speaking of abortion, how many orphans have you adopted so far?

        • @Breezy@lemmy.world
          1228 days ago

          Yeah no matter what some rich assholes want to convince everyone, 8 billion is already to much. Imagine every city becoming 25 percent more crowded everywhere. Just no.

        • @medgremlin@midwest.social
          327 days ago

          The laws criminalizing abortion also effectively criminalize miscarriages because of the way they investigate things and the fact that dilation and evacuation/curettage is frequently needed for miscarriages that occur after 10 weeks or so. The conservatives in question will refuse to accept that the fetus died in utero without any intervention and prosecute women that have to have dead fetal tissue removed to prevent sepsis, save their lives, and preserve future fertility if that’s what they want.