• givesomefucks@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    No one is above the law

    I wish that was true, but I mean, come on…

    Does anyone honestly believe that?

    I mean, it’s great trump is guilty is here, but this is an incredibly tone deaf comment considering the SC is literally saying they’re above the law right now…

    Bannon still isn’t in jail, Rudy isn’t in jail, trumps major case is being heard by a judge he appointed that literally doesn’t understand the basics of her job…

    None of the people who funded this will ever even see charges…

    Like, sentencing guidelines for this is probation. It’s a win, but it’s mostly performative, we’re nowhere close to being done.

    That’s the thing about progress, we can’t stop fighting for more, especially when the other said is full on fascists. There’s no breaks to celebrate, the fascists never stop.

    • madcaesar@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Look man, I’m as cynical as it gets but this is good news and a step in the right direction.

      Personally the hush money stuff to me is the least consequential but it opens the doors hopefully to nail the fucker on his other crimes.

      • Jazzy Vidalia
        4 months ago

        Al Capone didn’t go to prison for operating a racket or any of the numerous murders he committed or was involved with. He went to prison for tax evasion. This might be the closest we get to him ever being held accountable and I’ll take it. Hopefully the court understands this and gives him the maximum sentence knowing the context of his actions.

        It’s a bit disappointing, but that’s just how things work.

        Also, given that Trump has been comparing himself to Al Capone recently in his speeches, this is quite hilarious outcome.