Meanwhile, women and people of color are disproportionately impacted by irresponsible AI.

  • Calavera
    4124 days ago

    Imagine how better would it be if they replaced one of those rich white dudes with another rich person who wasn´t a white man… right?

    • @squirrelOPM
      3424 days ago

      I would prefer to burn Meta/Facebook to the ground too, but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t point out Zuckerberg & Co.'s obvious sexism and racism.

      • themeatbridge
        824 days ago

        It’s not sexism or racism, it’s just that the computer models for building a lifelike automaton to replace powerful people is exponentially harder with each gender and skin tone you add to the master mold.

        1224 days ago

        Not explicitly, but diversity is an indicator for a broader life experience, which combined indicates greater knowledge.

        Picking outliers to make your point betrays the point of this article. No one is claiming that with a diverse committee the results will be guaranteed perfect. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t be allowed to raise an eyebrow at such a potentially incredibly powerful and impactful organ having, statistically, such a narrow field of experience yet making decisions that affect the entire world.

        • @Sop
          523 days ago

          When talking about representation, class representation is just as important, if not more important than race and gender. A rich woman’s life experience is much more similar to that of a rich man than that of a poor woman. So you’re right that this hypocrisy deserves to be called out, but we shouldn’t stop when race & gender diversity is reached.

  • SonnyVabitch
    24 days ago

    Perhaps they chose on merit, and the most qualified candidates just all happened to be white men? Have we considered that??

    /s, just in case

    624 days ago

    “The old one was too, it’s just that the new one is also.”

    (I don’t actually know that, just a-perhaps-too-plausible joke)